CRA Deans

The CRA-Deans Group was established in an effort to provide leadership and community to emerging and established colleges of computing and interdisciplinary “IT” schools. The CRA-Deans group was originally arranged as a common interest session at the CRA Conference at Snowbird in 2000. The group is organized around schools of computing, schools of information, and/or schools of information technology with heads that report directly to the Provost or Chief Academic Officer at a university.

The CRA-Deans Group meets annually to discuss a range of topics and share their experiences creating independent schools and IT units.

For information on joining the CRA-Deans Group, contact either or the CRA-Deans chair.

Currently, more than 40 institutions from several countries participate in the CRA-Deans Group. The group also welcomes participation from those actively considering the establishment of independent schools of Computing, Information or IT.

Upcoming Meetings

May 8-10, 2024 – Meeting in Chicago, Illinois
July 25-26, 2024 – Meeting in Snowbird, Utah