Apply before 9/11 to attend the Biomedical Data Science Workshop at SHILAC’15

The Biomedical Data Science Workshop (BMDSW) is a two day event for underrepresented undergraduates, graduates, and post-doctorate researchers from the US and its territories sponsored by CRA-W and the Coalition for Diversifying Computing (CDC).

Biomedical Data Science is focused on interdisciplinary computational research in fields such as Biology, Neuroscience, Medicine, and Health where data sets have grown so large that they require the collaboration among experts in many fields such as computer science, statistics, machine learning, and data mining to analyze them efficiently. The need for expertise in the field of data science is high and the lack of women and underrepresented minorities in this computing field is being viewed as a potential source of talent to fill in the gap.

Our goal with the workshop is to educate students about Biomedical Data ScienceResearch as a career, its challenges, and the need for developing collaborative, interdisciplinary, and diverse teams with strong interpersonal skills to create the innovative solutions to be successful. The agenda allows for participation of attendees in the Symposium of Health Informatics in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Hacking Medicine in the Caribbean hackathon​, poster sessions, and a speed mentoring session to maximize their networking opportunities.

How to Apply:
Students and post-doctoral researchers must submit the following by Friday, September 11, 2015:

  1. 300 word statement on how and why attending the event would be beneficial to their career
  2. CV no more than 2 pages
  3. Most recent transcript
  4. One faculty recommendation no more than 2 pages

To apply, please click here.

Applicants will be notified by September 19, 2015 of their acceptance into the workshop.