Briefing on Undergraduate STEM Intitatives

The House STEM Education Caucus hosted a briefing on various STEM programs occurring at the undergraduate level, in conjunction with the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), the Business Higher Education Forum, and the Research Corporation of Science Advancement.

Each organization spoke about the need for such STEM initiatives as well as current initiatives each organization sponsors. For example, in 2011 the AAU launched a five-year initiative in collaboration with member institutions to improve undergraduate teaching and learning in STEM fields. This initiative received a $4.7 million grant to be distributed across the university sites over the next three years. Among the participating institutions are the University of Pennsylvania and the University of North Carolina at  Chapel Hill. The goal is to create a strong network between these institutions to share best practices and “promote sustainable change in undergraduate STEM teaching and learning.”

These programs come at a time where STEM education is seen as necessary for employment and for the advancement of education in this country.

Briefing on Undergraduate STEM Intitatives