Assistant/Associate Professor of Computer Science

Skidmore College
Mathematics and Computer Science
The Computer Science program at Skidmore College invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor beginning September 2016. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in Computer Science.
Skidmore seeks to attract an academically and culturally diverse faculty, especially those who can contribute to the growing diversity and excellence of the community through their teaching, scholarship, and service. Enthusiasm for advising, teaching, and mentoring a diverse population of students is essential. A commitment to quality instruction of undergraduates and continuing scholarly achievement is paramount. The program has expertise in the theory of computation, algorithms, computer vision and graphics; we hope to widen our areas of expertise with this appointment.
While Skidmore maintains numerous computing labs on campus for academic use, the department has its own Linux network including a twenty-seat teaching laboratory as well as machines for student and faculty research. The Linux network is supported by a dedicated system administrator within the department.
Skidmore is a liberal arts institution of approximately 2,400 students, with 21% students of color, and 248 full-time faculty members, located in upstate New York. Skidmore offers varied support for faculty development, including pre-tenure sabbaticals, laboratory start-up funds, and internal grants.