Published: November 2022, Issue: Vol. 34/No.10, Download as PDF

Archive of articles published in the November 2022, Vol. 34/No.10 issue.

Nadya BlissNadya Bliss

Vice Chair of the CCC, Dr. Nadya Bliss is Appointed to the National Academies’ Climate Security Roundtable

The Computing Community Consortium would like to congratulate the Vice Chair of the CCC, Dr. Nadya Bliss, on her appointment to the National Academies’ Climate Security Roundtable.

In January of 2021, Congress voted to direct the National Academies to establish the Climate Security Roundtable, which will provide expert support to the federal Climate Security Advisory Council (CSAC) in foreseeing and preventing climate security crises from escalating into issues of national security. This roundtable will facilitate conversations and collaboration surrounding a number of topics, including dissemination of relevant climate change data and information, discussion of understudied risks associated with climate change, improvements to existing climate change models and simulations, and any other capabilities or developments considered essential by the CSAC. The Climate Security Roundtable is comprised of experts in academia, industry, and civil society and will operate through September of 2025.

Moshe VardiMoshe Vardi

Senior Editor of Communications of the ACM, Moshe Vardi, Shares Concern Over Lack of Incentive Structure in Cybersecurity

Moshe Y. Vardi, Computer Science Professor at Rice University and Senior Editor of Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), wrote an article in the November 2022 issue of the Communications of the ACM magazine, Accountability and Liability in Computing. The article articulates his concerns for the slow progress and lack of conclusive knowledge on how to build secure information systems. Vardi speculates the issue is not due to a lack of technical advancements but a lack of incentives encouraging hardware security developments and solutions. It is becoming vital to address this “market failure” as we become more reliant on technical systems and become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks.


Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations: A Convergence Accelerator Workshop

The Computing Community Consortium recently held a two-part workshop, “Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations”. The second workshop in the series was a virtual webinar open to the public on November 10th, 2022. The goal of the second workshop was to brainstorm and build upon the framing set out in the “pre-workshop”. Workshop participants were split into break out groups by impact area to discuss findings and identify additional research thrusts, impact areas, and cross-cutting principles.

BPCNet Resource PortalBPCNet Resource Portal

Undergraduate BPC Literature Database Launch

UCLA’s Momentum and CRA are excited to launch an Undergraduate BPC Literature Database that compiles scholarship on broadening participation in undergraduate computing. The focus of the included papers ranges from the implementation and evaluation of BPC interventions to theoretical pieces around broader social forces that cause longstanding inequalities in computing.