There have been several organized discussions of related topics.
The journal Nature had a special web discussion on peer review, comprising 22 articles on the topic, in 2006.
Force11 is a group of scholars thinking about the Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship. They held a workshop at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, in August 2011, and issued a manifesto.
Jonathan Grudin maintains a web page of CACM articles and letters on related topics.
The computing systems community organized a workshop (WoWCS) to discuss related topics. The presentations at the workshop are all accessible from http://www.usenix.org/event/wowcs08/ . After the workshop, a wiki was established at http://wiki.usenix.org/Main/Conference/CollectedWisdom .
CRA sponsored a plenary panel on Peer Review in Computing Research at the 2010 Snowbird Conference. Viewgraphs can be obtained by navigating to this Monday afternoon panel session on the Snowbird 2010 Conference web page
CRA also sponsored an earlier panel on the Process for Paper and Proposal Reviews at the 2008 Snowbird Conference. Viewgraphs can be obtained by navigating to this Monday morning panel session on the Snowbird 2008 Conference web page.