Faculty Mentor Expectations
This page intends to outline expectations of faculty whose undergraduate students are participating in the UR2PhD undergraduate research methods course.
Prior to the start of the undergraduate research methods course, faculty mentors are expected to verify the information participants submitted and identify any graduate students who may be working with their mentees, if applicable.
Ahead of the third course session, mentors are expected to create and complete a contract with their students outlining expectations and ways of working. Mentors are also asked to assign a research paper for their mentees to read that is related to their assignment.
Throughout the program, faculty mentors are expected to support and check-in with their students about the status of their research.
Specific responsibilities include:
UR2PhD: Undergraduate Research Methods Course by Computing Research Association’s UR2PhD Program. This work, “UR2PhD Undergraduate Research Methods Course”, is adapted from “Early Research Scholars Program” by Christine Alvarado, UC San Diego, used under CC BY 4.0. “UR2PhD Undergraduate Research Scholars” is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the Computing Research Association’s UR2PhD Program and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
UR2PhD: Graduate Student Mentor Training Course by Computing Research Association’s UR2PhD Program is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International