Survey of Computing Industry Professionals About Undergraduate Curricula (P2P Survey)

The George Washington University Informed Consent to Participate in Research

What is the purpose of this study?
We are collecting feedback from computing industry professionals to inform academic computer science departments with the goal of shaping undergraduate computer science curricula.

What will I do?
The survey will ask questions about: (1) the type of work you perform in the computing industry and your level of experience; (2) your opinion on various curricular elements (such as which courses were useful, how many courses should a student have); (3) your opinion on how academic curricula could improve.

After completing the survey, you may opt to enter your email for a raffle prize of $50, randomly selected from those who opt-in. Your email will not be linked to your survey data and will be removed once the raffle prizes are awarded. The odds of winning are estimated to be between 5/1000 and 5/2000; winners will be contacted a month after the survey closes.

Risks and benefits
The survey is anonymous. We do not perceive any significant risks. There is a minor risk of breach of confidentiality if the survey data is mishandled since optional emails are collected. The benefits to society are that the survey data will help shape improvements to computer science curricula.

How long will it take?
10 minutes


Future research
De-identified data (all identifying information removed) may be shared with other researchers.

Funding source
The National Science Foundation

Confidentiality and Data Security
The anonymized data consists of survey entries and is entirely confidential. Only summary statistics will be published. If a quote is published, it will be de-identified.

Questions about the research, complaints, or problems
Contact Rahul Simha at The George Washington University (

Questions about your rights as a research participant, complaints, or problems
Contact the GW IRB (Institutional Review Board) at or 202-994-2715

Agreement to Participate
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. To take this survey, you must be at least 18 years old.