The Center for Inclusive Computing (CIC, Northeastern University) and the Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP, Computing Research Association) formed the BPC-Alliance DAPPIC: Data Alliance on Persistence and Perception in Computing. DAPPIC’s goal is to integrate department level data collected by CIC and student level data collected by CERP to provide a multi-level look at data on BPC.
Current Activities
- Releasing partner-facing dashboards
- Designing student experience surveys to be accessible within dashboards
About the CIC
The CIC partners with universities to materially increase the representation of women computing graduates. The CIC collects institutional data on introductory course enrollment and outcomes, and retention and graduation data.
About CERP
CERP partners with computing-related departments to survey undergraduate and graduate students using the Data Buddies Survey (DBS). DBS is used to understand student perceptions of the department and academic outcomes.
DAPPIC is supported by an award from the U.S. National Science Foundation (2216629).
This page includes the 28 university partners who participate in the CIC’s Data Program and CERP’s DBS.
- Barnard College
- California State University, Long Beach
- Colorado School of Mines
- Colorado State University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- George Mason University
- Michigan State University
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
- San Diego State University
- Stony Brook University
- Texas State University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Riverside
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of Central Florida
- University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- University of South Florida
- University of Texas, Austin
- University of Texas, San Antonio
- University of Utah
- University of Washington, Seattle
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
How can you get involved in DAPPIC
Join the CIC’s Data Program
Through the CIC’s Data Program, schools collect and submit historic and current persistence, retention, and graduation data to our Data Collection Portal. Specifically:
- Student enrollment, completion, and faculty/TA support in introductory CS courses
- Term-to-term retention and graduation of computing majors
- Gender and race/ethnicity of students and introductory course faculty and teaching assistants
Each term schools are able to analyze their institutional data across 9 dashboards – including intro course enrollment, outcomes, persistence, and faculty and TA support, and retention and graduation from the major. Click on the buttons below to see screenshot examples of the CIC dashboards.
Participate in the Data Buddies Survey
- Participating in the Data Buddies Survey (DBS) is free for academic departments, thanks to support from the National Science Foundation. Check out cra.org/cerp/data-buddies page to sign-up.
- If you have any questions about DBS, please contact CERP here.
Questions or interested in joining? Contact khoury-cic@northeastern.edu