2019 CRA Grad Cohort URMD Videos Released on Updated CRA YouTube Channel


On March 22-23, CRA hosted the second annual Graduate Cohort for Underrepresented Minorities and Persons with Disabilities (Grad Cohort for URMD) in Waikoloa Village, Hawaii. The location provided beautiful scenery as students spent two days learning how to succeed in graduate school and networking with a diverse group of peers and senior researchers.

CRA recently published two videos on the 2019 Grad Cohort for URMD – one targeted at sponsors and the other targeted at potential attendees. In both videos, students, speakers, sponsor representatives, and CRA Director of Programs Erik Russell share their experiences, the impact it has and the benefits it delivers to sponsors.

Do you have students interested in applying to the workshop? Check out the video for potential attendees.
Grad Cohort for URMD brings people together to build a sense of belonging, community and a network for graduate students. Through powerful discussions in a supportive environment, students learn that they are not alone and several participants consider it a life changing experience. Students also enjoy planning for their future careers and talking to potential employers in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Interested in sponsorship? Check out the video for potential sponsors.
Grad Cohort for URMD encourages graduate students to build their network, and to start planning for their careers after graduation. Sponsoring the workshop supports an inclusive computing community and provides several opportunities to connect with students in a meaningful way.

The 2019 workshop was made possible through generous contributions by the Computing Research Association, the National Science Foundation, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Research, the U.S. Department of Energy, AccessComputing, and Intel.

CRA’s Updated YouTube Channel
CRA recently refreshed its presence on YouTube. From the dashboard, you can now watch video playlists from CRA and our committees.

Subscribe to the CRA YouTube channel for the latest content from all of CRA’s committees.