CRA Board Member Named in Women You Should Know List

ellen-zeguraCRA Board Member Ellen Zegura was named one of the “10 Women in Networking/Communications That You Should Know” by Networking Networking Women (N2 Women), a discipline-specific community of researchers in the communications and networking research fields. Zegura is a faculty member at Georgia Tech and also a member of the CRA executive committee.

From the N2 Women Announcement:

“Ellen led early work in Internet topology modeling (e.g., the GT-ITM tool) and disruption-tolerant networking (e.g., the first DTN protocol stack, message ferries, and throw-boxes). Ellen was elected an IEEE Fellow in 2011, elected to the CRA Board of Directors in 2011. She was Editor-in-Chief of IEEE/ACM ToN from 2003 to 2005. Ellen is co-creator of Compute for Good at Georgia Tech, a project-based education and research effort that applies computing to help solve societal problems.” – Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University