CRA Board Member Nancy Amato to Head University of Illinois Department of Computer Science

Recently, Nancy Amato, a robotics expert and CRA board member, was selected to lead the University of Illinois Department of Computer Science. She will be the first woman to hold this position at the University.

From the announcement:

“We are thrilled to bring in someone with the esteem of Nancy Amato to lead the Department of Computer Science,” said Tamer Başar, Interim Dean, College of Engineering. “Her global research reputation, the quality of her teaching, and her impact through an array of leadership positions will be a terrific asset for the department and the college. Our computer science programs’ students and faculty have a great reputation. Professor Amato will grow our profile and impact even further in the coming years. This is a spectacular match.”

Not only does she serve on the CRA board of directors, Amato is also heavily involved in several CRA committees and initiatives. She is a CRA-W board member and served as co-chair from 2014- 2017. At CRA-W, she leads the Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates and Grace Hopper Celebration Research Scholars programs. Amato also a member of the CRA Education committee and organized the selection of the committee’s Graduate Student Fellow. Amato has participated in CRA Congressional Visit Days and met with her representatives in Congress to make the case for computing research in Washington. In 2014, she received the CRA A. Nico Habermann award for her efforts to increase diversity in computing.

From The News-Gazette announcement:

Amato said expanding access to all groups “is a strong passion of mine.” She said the UI has made major strides in this area in terms of undergraduate enrollment and she hopes her role leading a program of its size and caliber gives her a “tremendous platform” to continue that work.

Congratulations Nancy! Click here to view the UI release.