CRA Launches New URMD Grad Cohort Workshop – Apply Today!

URM Grad Cohort

The Computing Research Association is pleased to announce a new iteration of the Graduate Cohort Workshop designed specifically for underrepresented minorities in computing and persons with disabilities (URMD). Applications are now open for the inaugural CRA URMD Graduate Cohort Workshop, which will be held March 16-17, 2018 in San Diego, CA.

The workshop aims to aims to increase the ranks of senior underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities in computing research by building and mentoring nationwide communities through their graduate studies and is modeled on the successful CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop for Women. At the CRA URMD Grad Cohort Workshop, participants will spend two days interacting with senior computing researchers and professionals, who will share pertinent information on graduate school survival skills, as well as more personal information and insights about their experiences. The workshop will include a mix of formal presentations and informal discussions and social events. By attending URMD Grad Cohort participants will be able to build mentoring relationships and develop peer networks that will form the basis for ongoing activities during their graduate career and beyond.

Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed by CRA through funds generously provided by our URMD Grad Cohort sponsors including the National Science Foundation, the Computing Research Association and the Association for Computing Machinery. For more information on sponsorships, contact Erik Russell, CRA Director of Programs, at

Please share this opportunity with your students and interested individuals.

Workshop Details

Date and Location: March 16-17, 2018 in San Diego, CA.

Application Period: August 15 – October 15, 2017. Click here to apply.

Eligibility: Masters and PhD computer science and engineering students who are attending an institution in the U.S. or its territories, or an institution in Canada. Applicants from underrepresented groups in computing will be given priority (Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, and/or Persons with Disabilities).