CRA-W Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall

Lori Clarke

Gail Murphy
CRA-W’s next Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall will be held on April 7 at 7 PM EST. During this online mentoring event, students will learn about cutting edge research in computing and have the opportunity to ask questions to distinguished computer scientists.
Speaker: Lori Clarke, Chair of the School of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Host: Gail Murphy, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) in the Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia
Research Presentation: Using Software Engineering to Help Reduce Medical Errors
The news has been full of stories about horrendous medical errors, such as amputating the wrong leg or removing the wrong lung from patients. Recent studies have determined that avoidable medical errors are one of the leading causes of death in the US. The UMass Medical Safety Project has been applying and extending techniques initially developed to help track down errors in distributed systems, to complex, multi-team medical procedures with surprisingly good results. This talk will describe some of the techniques that have worked and some of the approaches we have used to bridge the terminology gap between computer scientists and medical professionals.
Mentoring Session: Mentors: Why do we need them and how do we find them?
Most successful people have found that mentors have played a significant role in helping to shape their lives. What are some of the ways that mentors might help you and how do you find mentors that will be the most beneficial to you?
Click here to register for the webinar.
Please share this excellent opportunity with your students!