CRA Welcomes New Board Leadership, Board Members

New Board Leadership
In February, the CRA board of directors elected board officers to serve two-year terms beginning July 1, 2021. Nancy Amato is chair; Dan Grossman is vice-chair; Ran Libeskind-Hadas is secretary; and James Allan is treasurer. The previous board chair Ellen Zegura ended her term on June 30, 2021. During her term of service as board chair, Ellen spearheaded the CRA strategic planning effort to think broadly and ambitiously about the future of the organization, guided CRA during the uncertain times of the pandemic, and initiated the search for a new executive director. CRA appreciates her leadership during her service as board chair (2019-2021) and board member (2011-2021).

New Board Members
Today, CRA welcomes three new members to its board of directors: Diana Franklin, Eve Schooler and Katie Siek. Their terms run from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. Retiring from the board as of June 30, 2021 are Michael Franklin, Kathryn McKinley, Greg Morrisett, and Ellen Zegura. CRA thanks them all for contributions during their service on the board.

Committee Updates
The Computing Community Consortium welcomed new council members on July 1, and CRA-Widening Participation thanked retiring board members.