New from CRA: Database of Candidates for Academic and Industrial/Government Laboratory Positions

The number of faculty openings in computing has increased significantly in recent years, which has placed stress on the faculty recruiting process. Both academic departments and faculty candidates go through an arduous process. CRA has started a new service intended to improve the recruiting process for academic and industrial/government laboratory research positions.

Candidates for these positions can upload their resumes, research and teaching statements, job objectives and other preferences, and a link to a presentation video. Recruiting officers with access are able to search this information and are encouraged to contact candidates.

The database can be accessed through For further information, including an instructional video, visit:

Please encourage all of your finishing PhD students looking for academic or industrial/government laboratory research positions to post their applications there as soon as possible before the academic recruiting season begins.

Recruiter access to the database is now available to all CRA academic members. Additionally, industrial and government laboratory CRA member institutions that sponsor CRA-W’s Grad Cohort for Women 2019 at the silver level and above will receive access. Access information has been sent to department heads. The database is password protected and members may not give access to non-subscribers.

Note that the database has a low number of entries now but will continue to be populated as the recruiting season gets underway — probably after November 15 and certainly by January 1.

We hope that your PhD students and your Faculty Recruiting Committee find this service valuable. Questions should be directed to

New from CRA: Database of Candidates for Academic and Industrial/Government Laboratory Positions