Computing Community Articles
In the Computing community too, there have been many thoughtful articles, particularly in the recent past. These include:
- SIGMOD Chair’s Message by M. Tamer Özsu, SIGMOD Record 31(4):3-4, Dec. 2002.
- Valuing Diverse Computer Science Research by Harold Thimbleby, 2006.
- Peer Review Anew: Three Principles and a Case Study in Post-Publication Quality Assurance, by C. M. Kelty, C. S. Burrus, and R. G. Baraniuk, Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on Educational Technology, June 2008.
- Scaling the academic publication process to Internet scale by Jon Crowcroft, S. Keshav, and Nick McKeown, CACM, 52(1):27-30, Jan. 2009.
- Conference reviewing considered harmful by Thomas Anderson, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 43(2):108-116, Apr 2009.
- Conferences vs. Journals in Computing Research by Moshe Vardi, CACM 52(5):5, May 2009.
- Program committee overload in systems by Ken Birman and Fred Schneider, CACM 52(5):34-37, May 2009.
- Time for Computer Science to Grow Up by Lance Fortnow, CACM 52(8):33-35, Aug. 2009.
- A modest proposal (for managing the review process) by Zoubin Ghahramani, Dec. 2009.
- CS woes: deadline-driven research, academic inequality by Jeanette Wing and Mark Guzdial, CACM 52(12):8-9, Dec. 2009.
- Revisiting the publication culture in computing research by Moshe Vardi, CACM 53(3):5, Mar 2010.
- Conference paper selectivity and impact by J. Chen and J. A. Konstan, CACM 53(6):79-83, Jun 2010.
- Rebooting the CS Publication Process by Dan Wallach, 2010.
- Rethinking the systems review process by Tessa Lau, CACM 53(11):10-11, Nov. 2010.
- The role of conference publication in CS by Massimo CACM 53(12):129-132, Dec. 2010.
- Paper Bricks: an Alternative to Complete-Story Peer Reviewing by Jens Dittrich, SIGMOD Record, 39(4):31-36, Dec. 2010.
- Where have all the workshops gone? by Moshe Vardi, CACM 54(1):5, Jan. 2011.
- Technology, conferences, and community by Jonathan Grudin, CACM, 54(2):41-43, Feb. 2011.
- Reviewing Peer Review by Jeanette Wing and Ed Chi, CACM 54(7): 10-11, Jul. 2011.
- Journals for Certification, Conferences for Rapid Dissemination by Joseph Y. Halpern and David C. Parkes, CACM 54(8):36-38, Aug. 2011.
- Rebooting the CS Publication Process by Dan Wallach, CACM 54(10):32-35, Oct. 2011.
- How Science Can Ensure Integrity and Quality: A Thesis in favor of a deceleration of science, Translated from the German by James Geller, Academe Online, Jan-Feb 2012.