SAVE THE DATE: An NSF/CISE Workshop for Department Chairs at Snowbird

May 11, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

As you prepare to attend the biennial CRA Conference at Snowbird, we invite you to join an important event that is being organized by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) on Monday, July 16, 2018, from 10:00am to 1:00pm, in Salt Lake City, UT (this event will take place just prior to the main conference, and just a short distance away from Snowbird).

This three-hour workshop will be an opportunity for the CISE community – and as department chairs, you all are a key part of this community! – to gather regarding a new effort on Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC). This effort involves the NSF/CISE core research programs, as well as the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace and Cyber-Physical Systems programs. The effort therefore impacts nearly all faculty who submit proposals to NSF/CISE.

This new BPC effort, which began last summer, aims to increase the engagement of CISE PIs in meaningful BPC activities (see a Dear Colleague Letter here:  This effort was initially piloted in a few solicitations and required certain proposal types to include BPC plans. CISE is now in the process of extending that requirement to additional submissions. At this workshop, we will discuss with all of you the pilot effort as well as the new requirements and recommendations, including how they dovetail with related efforts at your institutions.

The event will be held on the University of Utah campus on Monday, July 16, 2018, from 10:00am to 1:00pm (with a working lunch). Free shuttle buses will be provided to transport all attendees to Snowbird for the CRA Conference, which begins at 3:00pm. A one-night room block for the night of July 15th will be available beginning on June 1st at the Salt Lake City Marriott University Park for attendees who plan to arrive the night prior.

We very much hope you can participate in this event, and would greatly appreciate you letting us know your intent to attend at:

We look forward to seeing you at this important event for the CISE community.


Jim Kurose
Assistant Director of NSF for CISE

Erwin Gianchandani
Deputy Assistant Director of NSF for CISE

SAVE THE DATE: An NSF/CISE Workshop for Department Chairs at Snowbird