Upcoming NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Proposal Writing Workshop for the CISE Community

By Thyagarajan Nandagopal, NSF 

You are invited to participate in the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Proposal Writing Workshop, to be held as an interactive online meeting on Friday, September 18th from 1pm – 5pm EST. This event is intended for PIs working in CISE-relevant research areas planning on submitting an NRT proposal for the fiscal year 2021 competition.

The NSF CISE Directorate would like to increase the number of NRT proposals that advance CISE research training focus of graduate students and CISE disciplines and support the aim of the NRT program. Since the NRT program is unique at NSF, the requirements of the program are often not fully understood by the submitting PIs. The workshop agenda includes an overview of the NRT program, outlining what is needed for a successful NRT proposal, and presentations by three successful NRT PIs, and an opportunity for Q and A from attendees.

Additional information about the workshop and the registration link can be found here: https://engineering.virginia.edu/2020-nsf-cise-workshop