Call for Nominations: The National Medal of Science

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The National Science Foundation is currently seeking nominations for the National Medal of Science (NMS), the highest recognition the nation can bestow on scientists and engineers. In 1959, the 86th Congress established the NMS as a Presidential Award, given to individuals “deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences.” The award has since been expanded to include social and behavioral scientists.

A committee of scientists and engineers appointed by the President evaluate the nominees taking into consideration scientific and engineering achievement along with broader impacts in promoting scientific advancements and in societal benefits. So far 506 scientists and engineers have been selected for the honor. You can see past winners here.

The National Science Foundation will be accepting nominations through May 20, 2022. Please share the NMS Call for Nominations flyer with your colleagues. See the NMS Nominations web page for more information.