CRA Board Member Profile: Greg Morrisett

CRA is honored to have a prestigious group of computing researchers serve on its Board of Directors. These individuals volunteer their time to run CRA’s programs and committees and to develop and lead new initiatives. In this new series, CRA Board Member Profiles, we will highlight our board members and their contributions to the organization.

Greg Morrisett, Secretary of the CRA Board of Directors, is the Dean of Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) at Cornell University.

Greg first discovered CRA as a student applying for full-time positions. He found the CRA Job Announcements service extremely helpful in his job search. Later on, he became familiar with more CRA activities and initiatives by reading Computing Research News.

A few things inspired Greg to run for a position on the CRA Board of Directors. In 2011, former CRA Board member David Notkin sent him a personal email suggesting he run.

David was a world leader in software engineering, and an extraordinary mentor, who served more than seven years on the CRA Board. He received CRA’s 2013 A. Nico Habermann award for his deep commitment for increasing the participation of women and underrepresented groups in computing.

“David was someone for which I have had the deepest respect, and one reason I decided to run is because of his encouragement. Additionally, I have always been concerned about the research climate and support for academic research. In particular, I think it’s important that policy makers in Washington see the value of federal investment in computing research.”

Greg strongly identifies with CRA’s mission to advance computing and saw CRA as a key place to step up. He joined the Board in 2012 and has been involved in several committees and initiatives. He has been:

In his free time, Greg enjoys taking breaks from traveling. You won’t find him scuba diving in exotic locations, but he has accumulated a number of cow themed collectables.