CRA analyzes the health of the computer science research talent pool and evaluates the effectiveness of intervention programs intended to grow this pool by surveying, comparing, and analyzing computing departments and individuals.
CRA’s annual Taulbee Survey serves as the principal source of information on students and faculty in Ph.D.-granting computing departments in North America, including the enrollment, production, demographics, and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science, computer engineering, and information programs. It is the trusted source on data regarding masters and undergraduate enrollment and degree production, as well as salary and demographic data for faculty.
CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP) collects semiannual survey data from a national sample of students enrolled in computing programs across the U.S. in order to gauge students’ experiences in their degree program and in the computing community. Within each sample of data, CERP has the capability to compare success outcomes among students who have versus have not participated in a particular professional development program in computing research. Thus, thanks to the CRA, the computing community now has access to a national sample of data for comparative analysis of diversity and other initiatives in computing. CERP staff also utilizes their national survey data to conduct basic social science research geared towards developing best practices for promoting persistence among all computing students at the post secondary level.
CRA also produces additional reports analyzing trends in computing.