Reports and Whitepapers
Sharing Healthcare Data Report
- This report is the result of the Sharing Healthcare Data Workshop which brought together 35 experts from industry, academia, and government in October 2024 to tackle pressing challenges and opportunities in healthcare data sharing.
Industry Investment in Academic Research
- This joint CRA-I and CCC whitepaper highlights the importance of industry investment in academic research to foster a strong, reciprocal relationship. Strengthening these collaborations enables both sectors to advance knowledge, develop transformative technologies, and drive long-term success.
CRA Accessible Technology for All Report
- This report is the result of the Accessible Technology for All Workshop, which convened academic, industry, and government representatives in Washington, DC on February 22nd and 23rd, 2023 to vision ways to make all technology accessible and why that is important and necessary for society as a whole.
Industry at CRA’s Conference
- This report is the result of the discussions from the industry track sessions and Inaugural CRA-Industry Meeting that was held in July 2022 at the CRA Conference at Snowbird. Common themes emerged from these discussions, which showcase where the industry community is right now and what needs to be worked on with CRA-I’s help.
Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research
- This report is the result of a September 2021 virtual roundtable and March 2022 hybrid workshop in which over 100 members of the computing research community came together to discuss, debate, and recommend best practices on using the cloud in computing research.
Industry/Academia Report-Ad Hoc CRA Committee on Industry/Academia Interactions
- In late 2019, CRA put up an Ad Hoc Committee on Industry/Academia Interactions, to study the increasing industry demands for technical talent from academia. The committee surveyed 221 computer science departments in January 2020 and this is the resulting report that showed significant industry engagement underway between computing departments and industry. It ultimately led to the creation of the CRA-Industry subcommittee of CRA.
Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Report on Modernizing Data Control: Making Personal Digital Data Mutually Beneficial for Citizens and Industry
- This 2020 report dives into the big questions such as who owns the data, the implications for using, controlling, and quantifying the data, and, most importantly, how to best protect citizens’ privacy.
CCC Report on the Evolving Academia/Industry Relations in Computing Research
- In 2018, the CCC Industry Working Group released this report, which was organized by Ben Zorn (Microsoft Research) and included several important trends in computing research which had recently emerged.
CCC Report on The Future of Computing Research: Industry-Academic Collaborations
- This report report touches on topics that were discussion during the 2015 round-table. The CCC convened this round-table of industry and academic participants to better understand the landscape of industry-academic interaction and to discuss possible actions that might be taken to enhance those interactions. This discussion was preceded by a survey sent to academics and industry representatives in Spring of 2015.