CRA’s Board of Directors

Alex AikenAlex Aiken (2026)

Alcatel-Lucent Professor of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Stanford University

Link to website

James AllenJames Allan (2027)

Treasurer, Board of Directors

Associate Dean of Research and Engagement

Director of the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval


Manning College of Information & Computer Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Link to website

Nancy AmatoNancy Amato (2025)

Chair, Board of Directors

Director, Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering
The Grainger College of Engineering

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Link to website

headshot of David Bader
David Bader (2027)

Director, Institute for Data Science

Distinguished Professor

Ying Wu College of Computing
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Link to website

headshot of Nadya Bliss
Nadya Bliss (CCC)*

Executive Director of the Global Security Initiative

Professor of the Practice

School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Arizona State University

Link to website

Lorrie Cranor (2025)

Director and Bosch Distinguished Professor in Security and Privacy Technologies of Cylab

FORE Systems University Professor of Computer Science and of Engineering and Public Policy

Carnegie Mellon University

Link to website

Sandhya Dwarkadas (2026)

Chair of the Department of Computer Science

Walter N. Munster Professor

School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia

Link to website

edelmanAlan Edelman*

SIAM Representative

Principal Investigator, MIT Julia Lab

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and AI Laboratories (CSAIL)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Link to website

headshot of Will EnckWill Enck*

USENIX Representative

Co-Director of the Secure Computing Institute (SCI)

Director of the Wolfpack Security and Privacy Research (WSPR) Laboratory

Professor of Computer Science

College of Engineering
North Carolina State University

Link to website

Maria Gini (2025)

CSE Distinguished Professor

Distinguished University Teaching Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Minnesota

Link to website

Kinnis Gosha (2026)

Hortinius I. Chenault Endowed Professor of Computer Science

Chair for Computer Science

Executive Director of the Morehouse Center for Broadening Participation in Computing

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Division
Morehouse College

Link to website

William Gropp
William D. Gropp*

IEEE-CS Representative

Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering

Director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Grainger College of Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Link to website

Mary HallMary Hall (2026)

Appointed Member, Executive Board

Director, School of Computing


Kahlert School of Computing
The University of Utah

Link to website

Gillian-HayesGillian Hayes (2025)

Vice Provost, Academic Personnel

Kleist Professor of Informatics

Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine

Link to website

headshot of Bruce HendricksonBruce Hendrickson (2027)

Principal Associate Director for Computing

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Link to website


Raquel-HillRaquel Hill (2026)

Chair and Professor

Computer and Information Sciences
Spelman College

Link to website

Wen-mei Hwu (2026)

Senior Director of Research

Senior Distinguished Research Scientist


Link to website


Samir KhullerSamir Khuller (2026)

Peter and Adrienne Barris Chair of Computer Science

Professor of Computer Science

McCormick School of Engineering
Northwestern University

link to website

Kate LarsonKate Larson*


Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies


Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo

Link to website

Ran Libeskind-Hadas (2027)

Vice Chair, Board of Directors

Founding Chair

Kravis Professor of Integrated Sciences: Computational Biology

Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences
Claremont McKenna College

Link to website

Ming LinMing Lin (2026)

Dr. Barry Mersky and Capital One Endowed Professor

Distinguished University Professor

Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland

Link to website

Keith Marzullo (Deans Council)*

Dean and Professor

College of Information Studies

University of Maryland

Link to website

Fatma Ozcan (2027)

Principal Software Engineer


Link to website

headshot of Manuel Perez-QuinonesManuel Pérez-Quiñones (2027)

Professor of Software and Information Systems

College of Computing
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Link to website

Rachel PottingerRachel Pottinger (2027)

Professor of Computer Science

Computer Science Department
University of British Columbia

Link to website

Susan Rodger (CRA-WP)*

Professor of the Practice of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Duke University

Link to website

Eve-SchoolerEve Schooler (2027)

RAEng Visiting Professor of Sustainable Computing

School of Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Link to website

Bart Selman*

AAAI Representative 


Department of Computer Science
Cornell University

Link to website

Kelly Shaw (CRA-E)*


Computer Science Department
Williams College

Link to website

Katie-SiekKatie Siek (2027)

Secretary, Board of Directors

Professor of Informatics

Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Indiana University Bloomington

Link to website

headshot of Deborah SilverDeborah Silver*

IEEE-CS Representative

Executive Director, Professional Science Master’s Program

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Link to website

spafEugene Spafford*

ACM Representative

Founder and Executive Director Emeritus, Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Professor of Computer Science

Purdue University

Link to website

DiveshDivesh Srivastava (2025)

ACM Representative

Head of Database Research


Link to website

Lydia TapiaLydia Tapia (2026)

Department Chair and Professor of Computer Science

School of Engineering
University of New Mexico

Link to website

Jaime Teevan (2025)

Chief Scientist & Technical Fellow


Link to website

ben zornBen Zorn (2025)

Partner Researcher

Microsoft Research

Link to website

* Terms are set by society/committee.

Past Board Members

  • W. Richards Adrion
    Sarita Adve
    Alfred Aho
    Frances Allen
    Greg Andrews
    Annie Antón
    William Aspray
    Ruzena Bajcsy
    David Bader
    Kenneth Barker
    Victor Basili
    Sandra Baylor
    Carla Brodley
    Laszlo Belady
    Phil Bernstein
    Cindy Bethel
    Barry Boehm
    Anita Borg
    Ron Brachman
    Liz Bradley
    Randy Bryant
    John Brzozowski
    Greg Byrd
    Tracy Camp
    Robert Cartwright
    Doris Carver
    Ashok Chandra
    Andrew Chien
    Lori Clarke
    Anne Condon
    Robert Constable
    Tom Conte
    Fernando Corbató
    Corinna Cortes
    Alva Couch
    David Culler
    Janice Cuny
    George Cybenko
    Mary Czerwinski
    Andrea Danyluk
    Susan B. Davidson
    Thomas Dean
    Richard DeMillo
    Dorothy Denning
    Marie desJardins
    Eric de Sturler
    George Dodd
    Sandhya Dwarkadas
    David Ebert
    Carla Ellis
    Joel Emer
  • Richard Fateman
    Stuart Feldman
    Mary Fernández
    Jeanne Ferrante
    Tim Finin
    Michael Fischer
    Kathleen Fisher
    Limor Fix
    Jim Foley
    Stephanie Forrest
    Lance Fortnow
    Ed Fox
    Diana Franklin
    Michael Franklin
    Peter Freeman
    Gideon Frieder
    John Gannon
    Oscar Garcia
    Michael Garey
    Jean-Luc Gaudiot
    William Gear
    Susan Gerhart
    Lise Getoor
    Ambuj Goyal
    Irene Greif
    David Gries
    Susan Graham
    Eric Grimson
    Dan Grossman
    Barbara Grosz
    John Guttag
    Laura Haas
    Greg Hager
    Brent Hailpern
    Susanne Hambrusch
    Mary Jean Harrold
    Juris Hartmanis
    Patrick Hayes
    Kim Hazelwood
    Mark Hill
    Julia Hirschberg
    Jeff Hollingsworth
    Peter Honeyman
    James Horning
    Ayanna Howard
    Andrew Hume
    Mary Jane Irwin
    Charles Isbell
    H.V. Jagadish
    Farnam Jahanian
    Leah Jamieson
    Chris Johnson
    David Johnson
    Stephen Johnson
  • Lennart Johnsson
    Michael Jones
    Norman Jouppi
    Robert Kahn
    Sid Karin
    Rangachar Kasturi
    Randy Katz
    Henry Kautz
    Ken Kennedy
    John King
    Maria Klawe
    Arvind Krishnamurthy
    H.T. Kung
    James Kurose
    Dick Lampman
    Lawrence Landweber
    Duncan Lawrie
    Ed Lazowska
    Peter Lee
    Nancy Leveson
    Dave Liu
    Daniel Lopresti
    Margaret Martonosi
    Jack McCredie
    Kathleen McKeown
    Kathryn McKinley
    Jill Mesirov
    Takis Metaxas
    Ray Miller
    J Strother Moore
    Jim Morris
    Greg Morrisett
    Steven Muchnick
    Elizabeth Mynatt
    Mario Nascimento
    Brian Noble
    Peter Norvig
    David Notkin
    M. Tamer Öszu
    Fatma Özcan
    David Patterson
    Timothy Pinkston
    Martha Pollack
    Guylaine Pollock
    Lori Pollock
    Jane Prey
    Chris Ramming
    Raj Reddy
    Dan Reed
    Jennifer Rexford
    Penny Rheingans
    John Rice
    Robert Ritchie
    Barbara Ryder
    Vivek Sarkar
    John Savage
  • Bobby Schnabel
    Fred Schneider
    Robert S. Schreiber
    Andrew Sears
    Margo Seltzer
    Ken Sevcik
    Shashi Shekhar
    Bruce Shriver
    Forrest Shull
    Marc Snir
    Larry Snyder
    Mary Lou Soffa
    Alfred Spector
    Robert Sproull
    John Stankovic
    Amanda Stent
    Wim Sweldens
    Valerie Taylor
    David Tennenhouse
    Marvin Theimer
    Sebastian Thrun
    Frank Tompa
    Josep Torrellas
    Joe Turner
    Jonathan Turner
    Jeffrey Ullman
    Andries van Dam
    Moshe Vardi
    Mary Vernon
    Jeff Vitter
    Benjamin Wah
    David Waltz
    Min Wang
    Tony Wasserman
    Richard Waters
    Mark Weiser
    John Werth
    Elaine Weyuker
    John White
    Carey Williamson
    Shmuel Winograd
    David Wise
    Alexander Wolf
    William Woods
    William Wulf
    Jing Xiao
    Steve Yau
    Bryant York
    Paul Young
    Ellen Zegura
    Stuart Zweben