Membership Information

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is incorporated in the District of Columbia and operates as a 501(c)3 organization under the Tax Code of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. If you are interested in having your institution become a member of CRA, please email members [at]

Requirements for Membership

The CRA Board of Directors has ultimate authority in all membership decisions. The guidelines for members are as follows:

The organization must include employees who are actively engaged in computing research.

If the organization is an academic unit, it must offer a baccalaureate or higher degree in one of the computing disciplines.

From time to time, by vote of the Board of Directors, the Association may accept as an Affiliated Professional Society any professional society that has a strong interest in computing research and has a significant presence on North America. Such Affiliated Societies shall directly support the Association’s activities.

Organizations that have an interest in the mission of the Association but that do not qualify to become Constituent Members or Affiliated Professional Societies may, by vote of the Board of Directors, become Associate Members. Organizations that might be approved for Associate Membership include but are not limited to, academic units that meet all membership criteria for Constituent Membership with the exception that they are located outside North America; and companies, government, and other organizations located anywhere in the world that are supportive of the Association’s mission but do not employ computing researchers.

Types of Membership

Membership in good standing requires payment of annual dues. For a dues schedule, information on member benefits, and definition of the dues year, please click on the appropriate links.

United States

U.S. Academic Unit Membership – Dues Schedule

In addition to the many CRA programs your dues support, you will receive the following direct member benefits:

Invitation to CRA’s Flagship Conference

Be invited to and attend the CRA Conference at Snowbird at a reduced member rate.

Priority Acceptance

Members of your academic unit are given priority acceptance to CRA workshops and seminars, including Grad Cohort for WomenGrad Cohort for IDEALSCRA Career Mentoring WorkshopsCRA Leadership Academy for Faculty, and more.

Job Posting Services

CRA Members receive a 40 percent discount on every ad on the CRA Job Board – one of the most popular job posting pages in computing research.

Free Mailing Lists

Access to the CRA Members List of academic units in computing-related disciplines.

Increase Your Visibility 

Have your academic unit listed among other leading units as a CRA member on our website and take advantage of the opportunity to be featured in our widely-viewed annual CRA Academic Member Book.

Voting Privilege

The right to vote in CRA Board elections.

Access to the CRA CV Database

Access to computing PhD talent who are graduating soon and connect with them directly to fill your open positions.

Access to Graduating Student Lists

Access to the CRA-WP Graduating Class Directory – a list of young computing researchers from groups minoritized in computing research.

Canada & Elsewhere in North America

Non-U.S. North American Academic Unit Membership Dues Schedule

Non-U.S. North American academic units pay approximately one-third the U.S. academic membership rate since some of CRA’s activities are focused on U.S. programs and government activities. If you have any questions regarding membership, please e-mail members [at]

Canadian Academic Units: In addition to the rights that they may enjoy through CS-Can/Info-Can’s affiliate membership, Canadian units can join CRA as individual academic members and receive additional benefits.

In addition to the many CRA programs your dues support, you will receive the following direct member benefits:

Invitation to CRA’s Flagship Conference

Be invited to and attend the CRA Conference at Snowbird at a reduced member rate.

Priority Acceptance

Members of your academic unit are given priority acceptance to CRA workshops and seminars, including Grad Cohort for WomenGrad Cohort for IDEALSCRA Career Mentoring WorkshopsCRA Leadership Academy for Faculty, and more.

Job Posting Services

CRA Members receive a 40 percent discount on every ad on the CRA Job Board – one of the most popular job posting pages in computing research.

Free Mailing Lists

Access to the CRA Members List of academic units in computing-related disciplines.

Increase Your Visibility 

Have your academic unit listed among other leading units as a CRA member on our website and take advantage of the opportunity to be featured in our widely-viewed annual CRA Academic Member Book.

Voting Privilege

The right to vote in CRA Board elections.

Access to the CRA CV Database

Access to computing PhD talent who are graduating soon and connect with them directly to fill your open positions.

Access to Graduating Student Lists

Access to the CRA-WP Graduating Class Directory – a list of young computing researchers from groups minoritized in computing research.

Outside of North America

Associate Academic Unit Membership Dues Schedule

Academic units located outside of North America may join CRA, upon Board approval. Non-North American units pay approximately one-third the U.S. academic membership rate since some of CRA’s activities are focused on U.S. programs and government activities. If you have any questions regarding membership, please e-mail members [at]

In addition to the many CRA programs your dues support, you will receive the following direct member benefits:

Invitation to CRA’s Flagship Conference

Be invited to and attend the CRA Conference at Snowbird at a reduced member rate.

Priority Acceptance

Members of your academic unit are given priority acceptance to CRA workshops and seminars, including Grad Cohort for WomenGrad Cohort for IDEALSCRA Career Mentoring WorkshopsCRA Leadership Academy for Faculty, and more.

Job Posting Services

CRA Members receive a 40 percent discount on every ad on the CRA Job Board – one of the most popular job posting pages in computing research.

Free Mailing Lists

Access to the CRA Members List of academic units in computing-related disciplines.

Increase Your Visibility 

Have your academic unit listed among other leading units as a CRA member on our website and take advantage of the opportunity to be featured in our widely-viewed annual CRA Academic Member Book.

Voting Privilege

The right to vote in CRA Board elections.

Access to the CRA CV Database

Access to computing PhD talent who are graduating soon and connect with them directly to fill your open positions.

Access to Graduating Student Lists

Access to the CRA-WP Graduating Class Directory – a list of young computing researchers from groups minoritized in computing research.