CRA relies on the volunteers that serve on its committees, as well as its professional staff, to carry out its programs.
Below is a list of the CRA Committees and Working Groups for FY25 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025).
CRA Committee on Communications
The CRA Committee on Communications develops a communications plan for CRA, which details how CRA communicates important information to key stakeholders.
Matt Hazenbush (CRA) Chair
Nadya Bliss (Arizona State University)
Kirk Cameron (Virginia Tech)
Gillian Hayes (University of California, Irvine)
Gary Tan (Pennsylvania State University)
Ben Zorn (Microsoft)
CRA Committee on Elections
The CRA Committee on Elections oversees CRA Board and officer elections and provides recommendations to the Board on elections policy. Each year, it develops a slate of candidates for the CRA Board for voting by our members. In odd years, it also develops a slate for CRA Board officer elections.
Nancy Amato (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Chair
Kinnis Gosha (Morehouse College)
Fatma Ozcan (Google)
Deborah Silver (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
CRA Committee on Finance
The CRA Committee on Finance oversees the CRA budget and audits. It is chaired by the CRA Treasurer (an elected officer).
James Allan (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Chair
Peter Harsha (CRA), ex officio
Bruce Hendrickson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Kelly Shaw (Williams College)
Lydia Tapia (University of New Mexico)
Jacob Wolkenhauer (CRA), ex officio
CRA Committee on Major Awards
Ming Lin (University of Maryland) Co-Chair
Maria Gini (University of Minnesota) Co-Chair
Lisa Amini (IBM Research)
David Bader (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Liz Bradley (University of Colorado Boulder)
Dan Grossman (University of Washington)
Kim Hazelwood (Meta)
Michael Hilton (Carnegie Mellon University)
Radhika Kanubaddhi (Amazon)
Susan Rodger (Duke University)
CRA Committee on Surveys
The Surveys Committee oversees the content and operation of the annual CRA Taulbee Survey and reports on the resulting data. It may also recommend other surveys as appropriate.
Katie Siek (Indiana University) Chair
Jasmine Batten (CRA)
Aaron Clauset (University of Colorado Boulder)
Kevin Crowston (Syracuse University)
Martha Garcia-Murillo (University of Nebraska Omaha)
Monowar Hasan (Washington State University)
Bruce Hendrickson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Kevin Liu (Michigan State University)
Rachel Pottinger (University of British Columbia)
CRA Leadership Academy Committee
Dennis Livesay (Michigan Technological University) Co-Chair
Manuel Pérez-Quiñones (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) Co-Chair
Bruce Childers (University of Pittsburgh)
Kinnis Gosha (Morehouse College)
Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Stephanie Ludi (University of North Texas)
Dimitrios Nikolopoulos (Virginia Tech)
Rachel Pottinger (University of British Columbia)
CRA New Chairs Workshop
CRA’s New Chairs Workshops gives those new to the role the opportunity to hear from experienced chairs and deans, discuss possible solutions to problem scenarios, and connect with fellow chairs.
Maureen Doyle (Northern Kentucky University) Co-Chair
Raquel Hill (Spelman College)
Keith Marzullo (University of Maryland)
Orit Shaer (Wellesley College)
Computing and Information Deans Council
The Computing and Information Deans Council (previously the CRA-Deans Group) was established to provide leadership and community to emerging and established colleges of computing and interdisciplinary “IT” schools. The group is organized around schools of computing, schools of information, and/or schools of information technology with heads that report directly to the Provost or Chief Academic Officer at a university.
Dennis Livesay (Michigan Technological University) Vice Chair
Martha Garcia-Murillo (University of Nebraska Omaha) Secretary
CRA Awards Committees
CRA Anita Borg Early Career Award
This annual award is given to a woman in computer science and/or engineering who has made significant research contributions in computer science and/or engineering and has also contributed to the profession, especially in outreach to women.
This award is managed by the CRA Widening Participation Committee.
2023-24 Selection Committee:
Sandhya Dwarkadas (University of Virginia)
Holly Rushmeier (Yale University)
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers Award
These student awards, sponsored by Microsoft and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs in alternate years, recognize undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research.
This award is managed by the CRA Education Committee.
2023-24 Selection Committee:
Michael Hilton, Carnegie Mellon University, Co-Chair
Steve Swanson, University of California, San Diego, Co-Chair
Alex Psomas, Purdue University
Anna Rafferty, Carleton College
Bo Zhu, Dartmouth College
Brittany Duncan, Nebraska-Lincoln University
Hadi Hosseini, Pennsylvania State University
Jonathan Bell, Northeastern University
Matt Weinberg, Princeton University
Ovidiu Daescu, University of Texas, Dallas
Rahmat Beheshti, University of Delaware
Tracy Hammond, Texas A&M University
CRA Service/Habermann Awards - Nominations
The CRA Committee on Awards – Nominations works independently from the Awards Selection Committee to encourage nominations to the CRA Habermann Award and the CRA Distinguished Service Award.
Alan Edelman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Chair
William Enck (North Carolina State University)
Yolanda Gil (University of Southern California)
Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Kate Larson (University of Waterloo)
Mary Ann Leung (Sustainable Horizons Institute)
Manish Parashar (The University of Utah)
Deborah Silver (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Gloria Washington (Howard University)
CRA Service/Habermann Awards - Selection
The CRA Committee on Awards – Selection works independently from the Awards Nominations Committee. It reviews the nominees for the A. Nico Habermann and Distinguished Service Award and makes recommendations to the Board, which votes on the awardees at the February Board meeting.
Sandhya Dwarkadas (University of Virginia) Chair
Kim Hazelwood (Meta)
Samir Khuller (Northwestern University)
Susan Rodger (Duke University)
Gene Spafford (Purdue University)
Mark Weiss (Florida International University)
CRA Skip Ellis Early Career Award
This annual award is given to a person who identifies as a member of a group underrepresented in computing (African-American, Latinx, Native American/First Peoples, and/or People with Disabilities), who has made significant research contributions in computer science and/or engineering and has also contributed to the profession, especially in outreach to underrepresented populations.
This award is managed by the CRA Widening Participation Committee.
2023-24 Selection Committee:
Chad Jenkins (University of Michigan)
Meredith Ringel Morris (Google)
CRA Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award
This award recognizes individual faculty members who have provided exceptional mentorship, undergraduate research experiences, and, in parallel, guidance on admission and matriculation of these students to research-focused graduate programs in computing.
This award is managed by the CRA Education Committee.
2023-24 Selection Committee:
Denys Poshyvanyk (William & Mary), Co-Chair
Gary Holness (Clark University), Co-Chair
Monica Anderson (University of Alabama)
Renee Bryce (University of North Texas)
Working Groups
CRA Working Group on Governance
The CRA Working Group on Governance reviews the CRA governance processes and proposes modifications to enable CRA to better fulfill its mission. This group also reviews bylaws and suggests revisions to bring them up to date with current practices.
Tracy Camp (CRA) Co-Chair
William Gropp (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Co-Chair
Chinasa T. Okolo (The Brookings Institution)
Manuel Pérez-Quiñones (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University)
Gene Spafford (Purdue University)
CRA Working Group on Socially Responsible Computing
The CRA Working Group on Socially Responsible Computing defines the scope and develops a strategy to establish CRA as a leader in promoting socially responsible computing research.
Ran Libeskind-Hadas (Claremont McKenna College) Chair
CRA SRC Working Group on Climate and Sustainability
Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota) Lead
Venkata Sai Manoj Pasupuleti (Apple)
Eve Schooler (University of Oxford)
CRA SRC Working Group on Ethics Education in PhD Programs
Helena Mentis (Drexel University) Lead
Lorrie Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Udayan Das (Saint Mary’s College of California)
Daniel Lopresti (Lehigh University)
CRA SRC Working Group on New Opportunities
Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University)
Stephanie Forrest (Arizona State University)
Raj Korpan (Hunter College – The City University of New York)
Jaime Teevan (Microsoft)
Programmatic Committees
Twice a year, CRA programmatic committees will provide to the community a one-page summary of highlights from the past six months and a look ahead to what is planned for the next six months.