NSF Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Practice (PDaSP)

In our hyperconnected world, increasing computational power and the rapid growth of data offer vast opportunities for data-driven decision-making and scientific advancement. To harness these benefits responsibly, especially for training AI models, we need scalable technologies for privacy-preserving data sharing. Despite significant research progress, these technologies are still at varying stages of practical deployment. The […]

CRA-I Welcomes New Leadership!

It is July 1st, which means it is CRA-Industry (CRA-I)’s first official change in leadership! We are delighted to welcome Divesh Srivastava and Fatma Özcan as our new Co-chairs!  Fatma Özcan (Google)- Fatma Özcan works as a Principal Software Engineer at Google. She earned her PhD in computer science from University of Maryland, College Park. […]