Entries by Helen Wright

CRA-I: Workshop on Computing Research in Industry

Join CRA-Industry at the ACM Federated Computing Research Conference 2023 in Orlando, Florida on June 18th from 12:30-5:15 PM for a Workshop on Computing Research in Industry. Please register here! Companies are increasingly investing in computer science research to support their strategic goals. This workshop will not only look at what it means to do […]

Assessing the Community’s Interest on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PET)

As our world becomes increasingly connected and digital, concerns about data privacy and security are growing. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PET) are tools and methods designed to protect personal information and enhance user privacy online. Most companies end up using a combination of different PET to ensure that their data remains private and secure.  The Computing Research […]

Upcoming National Academies Webinar- “The New Era of Digital Precision Agriculture”

The National Academies Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable is covening a webinar on Tuesday, April 11th from 1-2PM ET to discuss the latest technological advances, and related challenges, in agriculture to meet the increasing demands of global food supply. The automation and digitization of production agriculture continues to create opportunities for large-scale societal and commercial benefits. During this […]

Future Technologies Conference (TFC) 2023- Paper Deadline April 1st

This year’s Future Technologies Conference (FTC) will be held in San Francisco, CA on November 2-3, 2023. FTC is a prestigious conference that attracts researchers, scientists, and technologists from some of the top companies, universities, research firms, and government agencies from around the world. The conference program will include paper presentations, keynote speakers, industrial workshops, […]

NSF Letter to the Community: Celebrating One Year of TIP

The following is a letter to the community from Erwin Gianchandani, National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) and Gracie Narcho, NSF Deputy Assistant Director for TIP.  One year ago, under the leadership of Director Sethuraman Panchanathan, the U.S. National Science Foundation announced the establishment of the Directorate for Technology, Innovation […]

Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) March Lunch & Learn Webinar: COVID-19 Data on Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Join the Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) March Lunch & Learn Webinar on COVID-19 Data on Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from 12-1PM ET on Wednesday, March 22nd. From the ICDR website: Emma Plourde, Public Health Policy Analyst and William Haltermann III, Program Specialist from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning […]

CRA Accessible Technology for All Workshop Summary

On February 22-23, 2023 in Washington, DC, the Computing Research Association (CRA) held the Accessible Technology for All Workshop.  The workshop was attended by over 40 participants from academia, industry, and government and 20 remote participants. The purpose of this workshop was to frame the state of the art of accessible technology, identify forces shaping […]

Register for HBCU Engage- April 18-19

Join the premier HBCU external engagement event on April 18-19, 2023 in Nashville, TN! This multi-sector forum convenes thought leaders and practitioners to develop actionable strategies that magnify the impact of engagement for research-engaged higher education institutions, companies, and innovation communities. At this one-of-a kind event, hundreds of representatives will exchange ideas and learn from […]

CRA-Industry Call for Council Nominations

Please submit your nominations before Tuesday, February 14th!  The Computing Research Association – Industry (CRA-I) is charged with increasing interaction between industry partners and other organizations involved in computing research for the benefit of all. Established in 2020 as a committee of the Computing Research Association (CRA), CRA-I is a growing community of computer science research leaders from […]

CRA-I Computing Research in Industry Roundtable

Computing Research Association – Industry (CRA-I) held a roundtable in November organized by Jaime Teevan (Microsoft) and Ben Zorn (Microsoft) on Computing Research in Industry, which was based on the very successful and well attended session of the same name at the CRA Conference at Snowbird 2022. The roundtable was moderated by Fatma Özcan (Google) […]