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Tag Archive: Data

BPCnet.org Releases New Tool in the Statistics and Data Hub

BPCnet.org is happy to announce the newest addition to its Statistics and Data Hub, a resource that brings together sources of publicly available data to support the computer and information sciences and engineering fields. Since its launch in 2020, the Statistics and Data Hub has included several tools for users to download computing-specific data, such as postsecondary computing degrees awarded by institutions and enrollment data at the K-12 level.

Now, users can view and download institution-specific data on postsecondary engineering degrees. In this tool, users can select their state, institution name, and degree type to view a downloadable data table or plot (sourced from U.S. Department of Education Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)). Data can be further organized by the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code, gender, and racial/ethnic identity. Click here to check out the new tool!

These newest updates to the BPCnet.org Statistics and Data Hub were made possible through a new collaboration with the NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students, previously announced in CERP Bulletin.

Do you know of other public data initiatives that should be included on the BPCnet.org Statistics and Data Hub? Contact us to let us know!


Expanding the Pipeline: The Status of Persons with Disabilities in the Computer Science Pipeline

In a recent article published in Expanding the Pipeline, Dr. Richard Ladner of AccessComputing, an NSF BPC alliance, discusses the status of people with disabilities in computer science and the computer science research pipeline. Dr. Ladner explains the difficulty in capturing accurate disability-related information from computer science students due to the lack of standardized definitions of both disability and computer science at various levels of academic and K-12 education across the United States. Additionally, available data for the professions is lacking, but efforts in both academia and industry are aiming to include those with disabilities in the hiring process.

You can find Dr. Ladner’s article in its entirety in the link provided below.

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