The Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP) is excited to announce the release of the Fall 2023 Data Buddies Department Reports to all participating departments!
This year, 138 academic departments across the United States and Canada were eligible to receive a department report. To be eligible to receive a report, departments must achieve at least 5 survey responses from students in their department.
Geographic Distribution of Data Buddies

In addition to the standard full report, departments received a characteristics report that delves into the student respondents’ academic background and demographics. New this year, participating departments were also provided with a key findings report. This was created in response to feedback from some departments for a desire for a more digestible version of the report that highlights some of the most important and interesting findings from the survey in a much-reduced format.
Key Findings Report

There were also 16 participating departments that received additional special reports that departments specifically requested from the CERP team. Departments can request up to three specialized reports that present unique data either through selecting a specific subset of students to narrow down the sample and/or modifying their comparison group. For example, departments may request a report that splits out their data by just PhD or master’s students or Domestic and International Students. Data Buddies departments request these special reports by completing this Special Report Form.
All Data Buddies reports were made accessible for departments on the Data Buddies reporting portal created by the CERP team which currently allows departments to easily access and download all of their department’s reports going back to 2021. The CERP team plans to upload reports from previous years onto the portal for access in the near future as well.
Reporting Portal

The release of the department reports also marked the release of the 2023 Data Buddies Annual Report and the release of public datasets that incorporate all response data across all departments. Both of these releases are available on the CERP Website.
Read more about the Data Buddies report release in Computing Research News.
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