President’s Budget: NSF

NSF has released its budget as well. Rather than reproduce it, here’s the NSF-produced summary table (pdf). Key points: NSF overall, up $439 million (7.9 percent); Computer and Information Science and Engineering up $30.3 million (6.1 percent); Office of Cyberinfrastructure up $55.3 million (43.5 percent); Education and Human Resources up $20 million (2.5 percent). I’ll […]

President’s Budget: NITRD Numbers for FY07

The President’s budget request for FY 2007 has just been released and we’ll be dissecting it and providing our analysis as we get through it. But I wanted to post a quick snapshot of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, the federal government’s multi-agency IT research and development effort, because 1) it’s […]