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Category Archive: Homepage


CSGrad4US: Second Year Call for NSF Fellowship Opportunity for CS Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Holders to Return for PhD

NSFThis post was originally published in CRA Bulletin on April 4, 2022 here.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate has announced the second year of the CSGrad4US Graduate Fellowship program.

Goal and Motivation To increase the number of diverse, domestic graduate students pursuing research and innovation careers in the CISE fields. The fellowship program, which will provide 3-year fellowship opportunities for new Ph.D. students in the computing disciplines, was released in response to the increased demand for people with a Ph.D. in CISE fields, the continued decrease of domestic students pursuing research and completing a Ph.D., and the overall small number of bachelor’s degree recipients in CS pursuing graduate school. In particular, the percentage of domestic Ph.D. students in Computer Science graduating has decreased from 69% in 1985 to 37% in 2018 [1].

NSF seeks candidates from a broad array of backgrounds and strongly encourages women, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Native Pacific Islanders, and persons with disabilities to apply.


  • A year-long preparation program, organized by CRA-E and CRA-WP, in which individuals selected for the Fellowship will receive mentoring support in identifying a graduate program, finding a research mentor, and applying to graduate programs; during this year, the individuals will also have opportunities to form a network with one another and with faculty advisors;
  • For those who enroll in an accredited doctoral degree-granting program at an institution of higher education having a campus located in the United States, its territories or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, an annual stipend of $34,000 for three years out of five; and
  • Cost-of-education allowance of $12,000 per year for the three years noted above to the institution of higher education.

Timeline and Eligibility
The 2022 solicitation has expanded the eligibility rules. In particular, applicants must have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in a CISE field before June 30, 2021, and can have received an MS degree.  Applications for the CSGrad4US Graduate Fellowship are due June 30, 2022.

Please visit https://www.nsf.gov/cise/CSGrad4US/ for all eligibility criteria and additional details and deadlines.

[1] Addressing the National Need for Increasing the Domestic Ph.D. Yield in Computer Science. Susanne Hambrusch, Lori Pollock, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, and Christine Alvarado, Quadrennial Paper, CRA, November 2020.

Help us publicize this unique opportunity by…

  • Forwarding this email to your faculty and alums
  • Posting on your Social Media
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NSF Supplemental Funding Available for US-India Collaborative Research

The following announcement is provided by the National Science Foundation.

National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Directorate for Engineering (ENG) is accepting applications for their virtual March 15th and March 22nd Building Collaborations: U.S.- India Workshop.

The joint funding opportunity, in collaboration with six Indian Technological Innovation Hubs (TIHs), aims to provide supplemental funding for collaborative projects in research areas such as AI, computer vision, controls, data science, embedded systems, edge computing, and IoT and application areas such as agriculture, climate, future manufacturing, health, and robotics. U.S. PIs with active NSF awards can apply for supplemental funding.

Please review the information about TIHs before submitting your application.

Workshop Date and Time: March 15th and March 22nd from 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM EST.

Eligible NSF Programs:

  • Computer Systems Research
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Human-Centered Computing
  • Information Integration and Informatics
  • Robust Intelligence
  • Foundational Research in Robotics
  • Smart and Connected Communities
  • Energy, Power, Control, and Networks
  • Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until March 1st, 2022.

How to apply? When submitting your application, please be prepared to answer questions about your active NSF grant, research expertise, the top three TIHs you would like to interact with during the workshop, and a brief description of potential areas of collaboration. If you already have an Indian research partner in mind, please encourage them to explore the TIHs for proposal and coordinate your submissions.

You can review further details about the application process here.


This community update is brought to you by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). CERP provides social science research and comparative evaluation for the computing community. Subscribe to the CERP newsletter & bulletin by clicking here. Volunteer for Data Buddies by signing up here.

Headshot of Tracy CampHeadshot of Tracy Camp

Tracy Camp Named Computing Research Association Executive Director

Tracy Camp

Dr. Tracy Camp

Nationally Known Computer Scientist and Diversity Advocate to Lead CRA’s Next Chapter

The Computing Research Association (CRA) today announced Dr. Tracy Camp will become the organization’s fourth Executive Director in its 50 year history. Camp, currently the Department Head of Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines (Mines), brings to the role strong experience as a leader in the computing research community at the national level, a history spearheading diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in computing, and a detailed vision for leading the organization into the future. She will assume the role on July 1, 2022.

As Executive Director, Camp will seek to build upon CRA’s existing leadership role in the computing research community and work to help the community pursue bold research visions, practice and advocate for socially responsible computing research, encourage the participation of diverse populations in research, and continue to make the case for strong federal support of science and technology.

“We are excited to bring on board someone of Tracy’s exceptional caliber,” said CRA Board Chair Nancy Amato. “She is a proven leader with an impressive breadth and depth of experience and accomplishment, both nationally and at her institution. As the Founding CS Department Head at Mines, she oversaw a major expansion of the faculty and student enrollments, while simultaneously increasing diversity.”

“Tracy possesses a broad and inclusive view of computing, a deep understanding of the funding mechanisms and reward structures that affect computing research, and excellent management capabilities and experience,” Amato continued. “She is the ideal leader for CRA’s next phase and I could not be more thrilled she said ‘yes’ to this role.”

Camp has previous experience with CRA having served for many years in various volunteer capacities. She is a current board member of the CRA Committee on Widening Participation in Computing Research, where she served as co-chair from 2011 to 2014. Camp was also an influential member of the CRA Board of Directors from 2012 to 2016. She led the committee that produced the 2017 report Generation CS: CS Undergraduate Enrollments Surge Since 2006.

“I’m extremely excited to become the next CRA Executive Director, following in the footsteps of three impressive former CRA leaders,” said Camp. “Several major issues exist in the computing research world today, which has created many opportunities for positive transformative change. I look forward to working with CRA’s exceptional staff, board members, and broader community for the benefit of computing research and society at large.”

“CRA has been instrumental in my career advancement and can and should be instrumental in the career advancement of everyone involved in computing research.”

In her new role, Camp will lead an organization with strong ties to other leading organizations in computing. Leaders in those organizations today expressed support for her appointment.

My congratulations go out to Tracy on her new role as CRA Executive Director. I look forward to collaborating with her to further extend the work of both of our organizations in bringing an ever more diverse community together in the computing professions. – Melissa Russell, Executive Director, IEEE-Computer Society

On behalf of USENIX, we are thrilled to learn of Tracy Camp’s appointment as CRA’s Executive Director. Dr. Camp is an incredibly distinguished leader in our field with an exceptional record of service and innovation–often in combination with one another. Her particular dedication to increasing representation in computing will serve CRA particularly well in its next chapter. – Casey Henderson, Executive Director, USENIX

I’m very excited to hear that Dr. Tracy Camp is joining the CRA as the new Executive Director. AAAI and CRA have worked well together on our many shared interests. We look forward to further collaborations in these exciting times for AI and computing in general.  – Bart Selman, President, AAAI

We at ACM are delighted that Tracy Camp will be joining CRA as Executive Director. Through the years, Tracy has shown her commitment to the research community, serving in leadership roles for many of the leading conferences and journals in her field. She has also worked tirelessly to broaden the participation of women in computing through her involvement with CRA-W, ACM-W and NCWIT. Tracy’s appointment is certainly in keeping with the tenor of the times, and we look forward to working with her in her new role. – Vicki Hanson, CEO and Executive Director, ACM

SIAM is excited to welcome Dr. Camp as the new executive director of CRA!  We look forward to her leadership as we work together to advance computing research and make positive impacts on our society. – Suzanne L. Weekes, Executive Director, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

As Canada’s voice of Computer Science, CS-Can|Info-Can looks forward to working with Tracy Camp in her new role as Executive Director of CRA. Dr. Camp’s success in increasing the participation of women and students from under-represented groups majoring in Computer Science and her impressive and influential research track record will serve CRA well in its mission to represent the computing research community and to effect change that benefits both computing research and society at large. – Adele Newton, Executive Director, CSCan-InfoCan

Camp joins CRA from Colorado School of Mines, where she has been a member of the faculty since 1998, and department head of Computer Science at Mines since 2016. Camp’s research interests are in wireless networking. She is most known for improving the credibility of wireless networking simulation studies. More than 4,000 researchers in 88 countries/regions have downloaded at least one of the twelve software packages developed by her research group (as of June 2021) and her research articles have been cited 14,794 times (per Google Scholar, as of June 2021).

Camp has received over 20 grants from the National Science Foundation, including a prestigious CAREER award. In total, her projects have received over $20 million dollars in external funding.

Camp is an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM Distinguished Lecturer. She was a Fulbright Scholar in New Zealand in 2006, and a Distinguished Visitor at the University of Bonn in Germany in 2010. She earned her B.A. in mathematics at Kalamazoo College, M.S. in computer science from Michigan State University, and Ph.D. in computer science from the College of William and Mary.

Camp will be the first woman to serve as Executive Director at CRA. She succeeds Andrew Bernat, who served CRA for nearly 20 years before retiring in September, 2021. Peter Harsha, CRA’s Director of Government Affairs, will continue to serve as CRA’s Interim Executive Director until July 1, 2022.

About CRA
CRA represents more than 200 North American organizations active in computing research: academic departments of computer science and computer engineering; laboratories and centers in industry, government and academia; and affiliated professional societies. Its mission is to catalyze computing research by joining with industry, government and academia – a role it plays by leading the computing research community; informing policymakers and the public, and championing a diverse, welcoming, equitable, and socially responsible computing research community. For more information, see cra.org.


NSF STEM Career Pathways for Veterans

The following information was first published on November 9, 2021, by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

NSF is expanding its STEM career and education pathways to support the nearly 200,000 veterans returning to civilian life yearly. The agency is committed to encouraging veterans to pursue careers in STEM and Computer Science. Their programs range from providing professional development resources to prepare veterans for careers in computing to training the next generation of cybersecurity experts.

You can view the range of NSF programs here.

BPCnet.org Resource Portal is an initiative of the Computing Research Association (CRA) with support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1830364, CNS-2032231, and CNS-1940460). Subscribe to the BPCnet.org newsletter & bulletin by clicking here.

Submit your 2022 BPC-related events to the BPCnet.org Community Calendar

BPCnet.org is accepting submissions for BPC-related activities and events to the BPC Community Calendar. If you would like your event to be advertised on the calendar, please submit them here.

If you have any questions about the BPC Community Calendar or any event found there, contact the BPCnet.org team at bpcinfo@cra.org.

BPCnet.org Resource Portal is an initiative of the Computing Research Association (CRA) with support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1830364, CNS-2032231, and CNS-1940460). Subscribe to the BPCnet.org newsletter & bulletin by clicking here.

BPCnet.org Releases New Tool in the Statistics and Data Hub

BPCnet.org is happy to announce the newest addition to its Statistics and Data Hub, a resource that brings together sources of publicly available data to support the computer and information sciences and engineering fields. Since its launch in 2020, the Statistics and Data Hub has included several tools for users to download computing-specific data, such as postsecondary computing degrees awarded by institutions and enrollment data at the K-12 level.

Now, users can view and download institution-specific data on postsecondary engineering degrees. In this tool, users can select their state, institution name, and degree type to view a downloadable data table or plot (sourced from U.S. Department of Education Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)). Data can be further organized by the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code, gender, and racial/ethnic identity. Click here to check out the new tool!

These newest updates to the BPCnet.org Statistics and Data Hub were made possible through a new collaboration with the NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students, previously announced in CERP Bulletin.

Do you know of other public data initiatives that should be included on the BPCnet.org Statistics and Data Hub? Contact us to let us know!

Register for This Year’s Final Departmental BPC Plan Working Session

BPCnet.org will be hosting its last working session for this year on Thursday, November 18th, 2021, from 3:00 PM- 5:00 PM ET. The session will assist participants with updating their existing Departmental BPC Plan or creating a new one to meet the updated National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate of Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering (CISE) guidelines. You can review the details of the session and register prior to Thursday, November 11th.


If you are unable to participate in the working session, we encourage you to schedule a free appointment with our BPC consultants before the December 1st, 2021 – December 22nd, 2021 proposal window deadline for NSF CISE Core Medium projects.


Questions about these Departmental BPC Plan Working Sessions should be directed to bpcinfo@cra.org or through our contact form.


BPCnet.org has the full announcement about the changes to BPC Plan requirements from NSF.

BPCnet.org Resource Portal is an initiative of the Computing Research Association (CRA) with support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1830364, CNS-2032231, and CNS-1940460). Subscribe to the BPCnet.org newsletter & bulletin by clicking here.


CRA-WP 2022 Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates (DREU) – Applications Open!

The CRA-WP Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) program matches students with a faculty mentor for a summer research experience at the faculty mentor’s home institution. We invite applications from both (a) undergraduate students interested in exploring research in computer science and (b) faculty members interested in being a research mentor.

DREU interns will have the opportunity to be directly involved in a research project and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. This experience is invaluable for those who are considering graduate school; DREU will provide a close-up view of what graduate school is really like and increase interns’ competitiveness as an applicant for graduate admissions and fellowships. Faculty mentors will have the opportunity to work on their research project with new students from other institutions and to mentor future graduate students.

Application Link:

Application Period:

October 15, 2021 – February 15, 2022

Learn More: 

Hear from previous attendees: https://youtu.be/363fwY4ZwTk


This community update is brought to you by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). CERP provides social science research and comparative evaluation for the computing community. Subscribe to the CERP newsletter & bulletin by clicking here. Volunteer for Data Buddies by signing up here.

Attend Upcoming Departmental BPC Plan Working Sessions from BPCnet.org

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate of Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering (CISE) announced an updated Core Programs solicitation (NSF 21-616) with new guidelines for submitting Project Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans. BPCnet.org has a full announcement about these changes published here.

All Medium project proposals to the Core Programs solicitation (NSF 21-616) are due December 1, 2021 – December 22, 2021. In preparation for the proposal due date, BPCnet.org is hosting two working sessions on October 22nd (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET) and November 18th (3:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET).

These working sessions will be tailored toward departments that are seeking to update an existing Departmental BPC Plan or create a new one.

More details, along with an agenda and registration, can be found here on BPCnet.org.

Questions about these Departmental BPC Plan Working Sessions should be directed to bpcinfo@cra.org or through our contact form here.



BPCnet.org Resource Portal is an initiative of the Computing Research Association (CRA) with support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1830364, CNS-2032231, and CNS-1940460). Subscribe to the BPCnet.org newsletter & bulletin by clicking here.

Taulbee, Talent, and Trends: CRA Session at Upcoming DOE ASCAC Meeting

The Computing Research Association (CRA) will be represented by CRA staff (Betsy Bizot, Erik Russell, and Burçin Tamer) and CRA-WP Co-Chairs (Sandhya Dwarkadas and Amanda Stent) during the upcoming U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC) meeting. In their session entitled “Taulbee, Talent, and Trends”, the CRA team will be discussing trends in the computing research pipeline over time, the ways in which CRA supports that pipeline, and how CRA collects data to track that progression. You can catch “Taulbee, Talent, and Trends” from 1:00-1:45 PM ET this Thursday, September 30, 2021.

Click here to view the full agenda for the meeting held from September 29-30. The full meeting information, including the Zoom link, can be found here.