FY25 CRA Membership Dues Schedule
Individuals may participate in CRA activities and provide financial support to the organization or its individual programs, but they may not become members.
If you have any questions about this list, please e-mail members [at] cra.org.
U.S. Academic Unit Membership Dues
The membership year for academic members runs: July 1 through June 30
How to determine your unit’s dues?
Start at the top of the dues calculation table, find the first line where the research funding total and the number of researchers is true for your unit. In cases where a unit’s computing research is spread across more than one unit, CRA expects separate memberships for each unit.
“Research Funding”: This is the total external amount spent on research and includes direct costs and overhead. Internal university funds and education-oriented funds are excluded. Expenditures and indirect costs from government and industrial research grants are included. Calculate your research expenditure by using whatever method is accepted by your unit. Use the most recent 12-month period for which data are readily available.
Who should be counted as a researcher?
Count | Do not Count |
People doing computing research as one of their significant duties | Secretaries |
Line administrators (unit heads and project leaders) | Business Managers |
Researchers supported by internal funds | Facility Managers |
Researchers supported by research grants/contracts | Other administrative support staff |
If a School or College wishes to join and is paying for multiple unit: calculate the dues rate for each unit — without double-counting shared researchers or funding — and combine the results.
For any questions, please e-mail members[@]cra.org.
Research Funding | Number of Researchers | Dues Level | |
≥ $7 million | and | ≥60 | $13,500 |
≥ $5.8 million | and | ≥ 48 | $11,092 |
≥ $4.8 million | and | ≥ 40 | $10,155 |
≥ $4 million | and | ≥ 33 | $8,538 |
≥ $3.2 million | and | ≥ 27 | $7,087 |
≥ $2.6 million | and | ≥ 22 | $5,894 |
≥ $2.2 million | and | ≥ 18 | $4,942 |
≥ $1.8 million | and | ≥ 15 | $4,162 |
≥ $1.4 million | and | ≥ 12 | $3,426 |
≥ $1.2 million | and | ≥ 10 | $2,890 |
≥ $1 million | and | ≥ 8 | $2,460 |
≥ $600,000 | and | ≥ 5 | $1,716 |
Ph.D.-granting but none of the above | – | – | $1,553 |
Only offer Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees | – | – | $972 |
Non-U.S. North American Academic Unit Membership
The membership year for non-U.S. North American members runs: July 1 through June 30
How to determine your units’s dues?
Start at the top of the dues calculation table, find the first line where the research funding total and the number of researchers is true for your unit. In cases where a unit’s computing research is spread across more than one unit, CRA expects separate memberships for each unit.
“Research Funding“: This is the total external amount spent on research and includes direct costs and overhead. Internal university funds and education-oriented funds are excluded. Expenditures and indirect costs from government and industrial research grants are included. Calculate your research expenditure by using whatever method is accepted by your unit. Use the most recent 12-month period for which data are readily available.
Who should be counted as a researcher?
Count | Do not Count |
People doing computing research as one of their significant duties | Secretaries |
Line administrators (unit heads and project leaders) | Business Managers |
Researchers supported by internal funds | Facility Managers |
Researchers supported by research grants/contracts | Other administrative support staff |
If a School or College wishes to join and is paying for multiple unit: calculate the dues rate for each unit — without double-counting shared researchers or funding– and combine the result. The dues levels reflect the 66% discount that we extend to our non-U.S. members in North America.
For any questions, please e-mail members[@]cra.org.
Research Funding | Number of Researchers | Dues Level | |
≥ $US 3.6 million | and | ≥ 60 | $US 4,500 |
≥ $US 2.9 million | and | ≥ 48 | $US 3,697 |
≥ $US 2.4 million | and | ≥ 40 | $US 3,385 |
≥ $US 2 million | and | ≥ 33 | $US 2,846 |
≥ $US 1.6 million | and | ≥ 27 | $US 2,362 |
≥ $US 1.3 million | and | ≥ 22 | $US 1,965 |
≥ $US 1.1 million | and | ≥ 18 | $US 1,647 |
≥ $US 900,000 | and | ≥ 15 | $US 1,387 |
≥ $US 700,000 | and | ≥ 12 | $US 1,142 |
≥ $US 600,000 | and | ≥ 10 | $US 963 |
≥ $US 500,000 | and | ≥ 8 | $US 820 |
≥ $US 300,000 | and | ≥ 5 | $US 572 |
Ph.D.-granting but none of the above | – | – | $US 518 |
Only offer Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees | – | – | $US 324 |
Associate Academic Unit Membership
Academic units located outside of North America may join CRA, upon Board approval, as Associate Academic Members.
The membership year for Associate academic members lasts: July 1 through June 30
How to determine your unit’s dues?
Start at the top of the dues calculation table, find the first line where the research funding total and the number of researchers is true for your unit. In cases where a unit’s computing research is spread across more than one unit, CRA expects separate memberships for each unit.
“Research Funding“: This is the total external amount spent on research and includes direct costs and overhead. Internal university funds and education-oriented funds are excluded. Expenditures and indirect costs from government and industrial research grants are included. Calculate your research expenditure by using whatever method is accepted by your unit. Use the most recent 12-month period for which data are readily available.
Who should be counted as a researcher?
Count | Do not Count |
People doing computing research as one of their significant duties | Secretaries |
Line administrators (unit heads and project leaders) | Business Managers |
Researchers supported by internal funds | Facility Managers |
Researchers supported by research grants/contracts | Other administrative support staff |
If a School or College wishes to join and is paying for multiple units: calculate the dues rate for each unit — without double-counting shared researchers or funding — and combine the results. The dues levels reflect the 66% discount that we extend to our Associate academic members.
For any questions, please e-mail members[@]cra.org.
Research Funding | Number of Researchers | Dues Level | |
≥ $US 3.6 million | and | ≥ 60 | $US 4,500 |
≥ $US 2.9 million | and | ≥ 48 | $US 3,697 |
≥ $US 2.4 million | and | ≥ 40 | $US 3,385 |
≥ $US 2 million | and | ≥ 33 | $US 2,846 |
≥ $US 1.6 million | and | ≥ 27 | $US 2,362 |
≥ $US 1.3 million | and | ≥ 22 | $US 1,965 |
≥ $US 1.1 million | and | ≥ 18 | $US 1,647 |
≥ $US 900,000 | and | ≥ 15 | $US 1,387 |
≥ $US 700,000 | and | ≥ 12 | $US 1,142 |
≥ $US 600,000 | and | ≥ 10 | $US 963 |
≥ $US 500,000 | and | ≥ 8 | $US 820 |
≥ $US 300,000 | and | ≥ 5 | $US 572 |
Ph.D.-granting but none of the above | – | – | $US 518 |
Only offer Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees | – | – | $US 324 |
Industry, Lab, and Center Membership
CRA provides unparalleled opportunities for industry and government lab organizations to connect, collaborate, and lead in computing research.
Build meaningful academia-industry partnerships, influence computing research directions, and shape policy through impactful initiatives like roundtables, workshops, and the CRA Quadrennial Papers. Access resources to accelerate innovation, support a diverse talent pipeline, and share best practices with industry leaders. See details on this page.
Interested? Contact ceo@cra.org.
Professional Society Membership
The membership year is set by: the date of each organization’s first payment of dues. Thereafter, this serves as the anniversary date for renewal.
To Determine Dues Payment:
1. Number of eligible members | |
2. Dues per member | $1.79 |
3. Multiply line 1 by line 2 | |
4. Minimum cap (line 2 x $5,000) | $8,950 |
5. Maximum cap (line 2 x $60,000) | $107,400 |
6. Dues paid |
The number of eligible members is the sum of all regular members of your society, including graduate students, from Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The affiliate society determines what constitutes a “regular member.”
The standard affiliate dues equals (in US dollars) the amount on line 3, subject to the minimum and maximum dues caps (line 4 and 5). Affiliate societies may elect to pay more than the standard affiliate dues.
Payments of less than $50,000 entitle the affiliate society to one representative on the CRA Board of Directors. Payments of greater than or equal to $50,000 entitle the affiliate society to two representatives on the CRA Board of Directors.