DREAM (Distributed Research Apprenticeships for Master’s)
The Distributed Research Apprenticeships for Master’s (DREAM) is an NSF-funded program for students with non-computing science bachelor’s degrees who are working to earn an M.S. degree in computing and enter the tech field. Students in a “bridge to MS in CS” type of program, such as programs offered by the MSCS Pathways to Computing Consortium, are eligible to apply.
The MS in CS for non-majors initiative presents an exciting opportunity to recruit a new population of students into computing PhD programs. DREAM consortium students engage in research projects over a 3-4 month period and receive a $12,000 stipend, as well as mentoring, professional development, and cohort community activities. The goal of DREAM is to increase the number of students pursuing a PhD in Computer Science who are from groups historically minoritized in tech and, in so doing, help diversify computing programs.
Each DREAM student is matched with both a faculty advisor from their school and a mentor from another consortium school, and all advisors and mentors participate in a training on research-based mentoring practices for students historically minoritized in tech. In addition, DREAM students engage in virtual community activities during their DREAM experience. These include a Slack channel for regular communication, monthly Zoom meetups where a guest speaker discusses their journey to a PhD, and a final Zoom meetup for students to present their work. Participants generate two reports as part of their research, and some have even had their work published. In addition, students develop a website with information detailing their involvement in the DREAM program. These webpages are openly accessible to anyone interested in learning about the DREAM program or participants’ experiences. The DREAM participants’ pages are publicly accessible to anyone interested in learning about the DREAM program or our participants’ experiences. You can view two examples here and here.
DREAM draws its inspiration from CRA-WP’s Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) program, which has been successful at encouraging undergrads from diverse backgrounds to enroll in Computer Science graduate programs. If successful, DREAM will be scaled nationwide in the coming years and will offer diverse students a pathway to a doctoral degree in Computer Science, preparing needed diverse computing professionals and faculty.
To learn more about DREAM, please reach out to DREAM@cra.org