Outsourcing will be “Hot” Issue

Tech Daily (subscription required) reports from a Information Technology Industry council (ITI) luncheon that outsourcing of IT jobs will be a hot topic for lawmakers in the coming session.
ITI’s Ralph Hellmann said congressional staffers told him that populist lawmakers from both parties plan to use the issue to “take a whack” at the technology industry this election year.

“We acknowledge that, and we want to work with the folks in this room and others to understand how other tech issues affect offshore outsourcing,” Hellmann said. “If we want to be most innovative, all the other issues impact on that.”
Legislation on stock options, class-action suits and patents all influence the competitiveness of the U.S. technology industry, Hellmann said, and thus impact the outsourcing issue.
As a result, ITI will working with broad industry and business associations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers. A more specific agenda will be outlined in February.
Meanwhile, the Northern Virginia Technology Council and the Information Technology Association of America plan to meet soon to finalize plans for a new coalition on outsourcing, according to sources. The working title for the group is the Coalition for Economic Growth and American Jobs, according to sources.

Outsourcing will be “Hot” Issue