More Science Agency Shakeups

According to this report at, NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe will step down this week and may take a position at Lousiana State University. Apparently the former head of DOD’s anti-ballistic missile shield program, Air Force Lt. Gen. Ronald Kadish, is the leading candidate to replace him, though the others mentioned as possibilities are interesting:

  • Former Rep. Bob Walker, former Chair of the House Science Committee and now big-time DC lobbyist
  • Ron Sega, current head of DDR&E at the Pentagon, and a former astronaut
  • Two other former astronauts, Charles Bolden and Robert Crippen.
    Here’s a snippet from the article:

    CAPE CANAVERAL — NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe will resign this week, and the retired director of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency tops a list of five men that President Bush is considering to take over the space agency, FLORIDA TODAY has learned.
    Louisiana State University is aggressively recruiting O’Keefe to become the Baton Rouge, La., school’s next chancellor. O’Keefe said he is interested in the job, and school officials told FLORIDA TODAY a deal could be made this week.
    Meanwhile, a White House team is weighing five candidates and plans to announce O’Keefe’s departure and pick a new NASA administrator by Thursday, according to a source familiar with the selection process.

  • More Science Agency Shakeups