The New CRA-Bulletin is Out!

CRA’s CRA-Bulletin is a free electronic bulletin that aims to inform about timely events we think will be of interest to computing researchers. This edition’s topics (frequent blog readers will have seen some of these before…):

  • National Academies Releases Report Evaluating DOD Basic Research
  • Competitiveness Report Cites Need for "Significantly" Increased Federal R&D Funds
  • Increases Among CS and CE Doctorates Awarded in 2003
  • Growth of R&D Employment During the 1990s
  • Conference Support for Minority Students in CSE and their Mentors
  • CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop: Applications accepted through January 20th
  • If you don’t receive CRB and you want to, you can find subscription information at the bottom here.

    The New CRA-Bulletin is Out!