Where the Jobs are and Students aren’t

The Globe and Mail has an interesting article today and the disconnect between the perception of the computing job market (bad) and the reality (good).

David Kellam can do but he’s opting to teach.
He graduated from Queen’s University last year with a degree in computing. But he’s turning away from the tech sector as a long-term career prospect. Instead, the 23-year-old went back to Queen’s and enrolled in the faculty of education.
“I see no need to get myself stuck in a grey box somewhere pounding out code that may or may not be used inside some whale of an application,” Mr. Kellam says.
He is among a growing number of North American students and grads steering away from tech-sector jobs, presuming the industry is still in a post-bubble slump, with little in the way of employment opportunities.
How wrong they are, according to industry experts, who point to strong evidence that the tech industry is on the rise again and facing a supply-and-demand hiring disconnect.

It’s a good read.
The article cites data from CRA’s Taulbee Survey. If you haven’t checked out the new CRA Bulletin (now in Blog form!), it’s compiled by CRA’s Manager of Membership and Information Services Jay Vegso, who along with Survey’s and Evaluation coordinator Betsy Bizot, helps pull together all the Taulbee data every year. Jay has a number of informative posts on the IT workforce debate, the Taulbee data, workforce projections, and overall high-tech employment. A worthy addition to your blog roll….

Where the Jobs are and Students aren’t