NSF Wants Your Comments

The NSF is seeking comments by the research community on a draft of their 2006-2011 Strategic Plan. The deadline for comments is July 17, 2006 and comments can be made at the website or by emailing strategicplaninput@nsf.gov.
The draft includes many mentions throughout the plan of the need for cyberinfrastructure and includes a bullet that says:

Develop a comprehensive, integrated cyberinfrastructure to drive discovery in all fields of science and engineering. NSF will initiate the first steps toward the development of a petascale computing facility; investigate the development of a next-generation Internet; and advance a wide variety of generic and domain specific cyberinfrastructure projects supporting global-scale research and education communities.

The new plan also includes a great deal on education at the K-12 and undergraduate levels and on “informal education” through museums, aquariums, and the like.

NSF Wants Your Comments