Big Data Fellowship Opportunity

aaasSTPF_web-1Every year, AAAS administers the Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program, which brings over 200 scientists and engineers to DC each year to work for the federal government. The goal of the Fellowship is to educate scientists on how the government works and to explore the intersection where policy and science meet.

AAAS has recently launched a Big Data & Analytics track in the Fellowship program to focus on the analytical skills necessary for using big data to tackle the most pressing policy issues of the day such as infrastructure, security, and health care. They would love to see more representation from the computer science community!

Applicants must have a doctorate in a scientific, medical, or engineering discipline. The deadline to apply for the 2014-2015 Fellowship program is November 1. Visit AAAS S&T Policy Fellowship for details on the program and how to apply.

Big Data Fellowship Opportunity