White House Releases National Security Memorandum on Artificial Intelligence

Today, the Biden Administration released a National Security Memorandum (NSM) on artificial intelligence. At a high policy level, the NSM directs the executive branch to take steps to, “(1) ensure that the United States leads the world’s development of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI; (2) harness cutting-edge AI technologies to advance the U.S. Government’s national security mission; and (3) advance international consensus and governance around AI.” According to the White House, the NSM’s, “fundamental premise is that advances at the frontier of AI will have significant implications for national security and foreign policy in the near future.”

This memo has been long expected, as it was mentioned at the end of the AI Executive Order, which was released at the end of October 2023.

The NSM takes several steps to advance the use and adoption of AI for national security purposes. From directing improvements to the security and diversity of semiconductor chips supply chain; to “formally designating the AI Safety Institute” at NIST as the primary point of between US industry and the federal government; to doubling down on the NAIRR pilot; to directing the creation of a “Framework to Advance AI Governance and Risk Management in National Security;” to directing the US Government to collaborate with allies and partner nations to, “establish a stable, responsible, and rights-respecting governance framework,” to use AI in ways that adhere to international law and respect human rights. More details can be read in the Fact Sheet released by the White House.

This is a good step to continue the adoption of AI in the operations of the federal government, as well as to do so in a socially responsible way. However, more remains to be done. CRA will monitor the actions taken around AI at the federal level and we will continue to advocate that fundamental AI research, as well as research into its use and applications, must be a key part of any national strategy around this technology.

White House Releases National Security Memorandum on Artificial Intelligence