Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Funding

The Drumbeat Continues: SJ Merc News on DARPA IT R&D and Universities

Following in the wake of news stories and OpEds in the New York Times, the San Jose Mercury News editorializes today on the negative impact of DARPA’s shift away from university researchers in computer science and engineering. Of all the government sources of funding for basic technology research, few have delivered more breakthroughs for Silicon […]

Former Clinton DOD Officials Note Lack of DOD S&T Support

The New York Times has an interesting OpEd today from former secretary of defense William Perry and his former undersecretary John Deutch on the lack of support for basic research, applied research and advanced technology development (collectively, “Defense Science and Technology”) at the Department of Defense. Of the Pentagon’s $419.3 billion budget request for next […]

Wolf/Ehlers To Introduce Bill to Assist Math, Science and Engineering Majors

There hasn’t been much discussion of this bill around town, but today Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA), Chair of the Science, Justice, Commerce, State House Appropriations Subcommittee, and Vern Ehlers (R-MI), Chair of the Environment, Technology and Standards House Science Subcommittee, will introduce a bill aimed at increasing the number of students in math, science or […]

Must Read: NY Times – “A Blow to Computer Science Research”

John Markoff writes in detail in Saturday’s NY Times about DARPA’s diminishing investment in university-based computer science research and its potential impact. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon – which has long underwritten open-ended “blue sky” research by the nation’s best computer scientists – is sharply cutting such spending at universities, researchers […]

Even Tom Friedman weighs in on NSF

In a column focusing on China, Tom Friedman notes that cutting NSF will leave us without the kind of workforce the U.S. will need to compete: Finally, on competition policy, the Bush team and Congress cut the budget of the National Science Foundation for this fiscal year by $105 million. I could not put it […]