Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Misc.

New History of SRI; Interesting DARPA Quote

The Mercury News has an interesting piece today on a new book by Don Nielson detailing the important history of SRI (formerly Stanford Research Insitute). The institute, founded in 1946 at Stanford University, has played a role in an number of significant innovations in IT including serving as one of the first four nodes on […]

ACM Washington Update: May 2005

ACM’s U.S. Public Policy Committee puts together a great monthly newsletter with all the DC happenings of interest to the tech community. The May edition is out now and chock full of good stuff, including updates on ACM’s Voter Registration Database study, the Real ID Act, spyware legislation, and a look ahead to June. Check […]

Housekeeping Note: New Blog Category

Since there’s been so much recent coverage of computing R&D issues in the popular press, and since we’ve been trying to cite so much of it here, I figured I’d make life easy on myself and anyone else looking for a collection of recent articles by creating a new “R&D in the Press” category over […]

Catching Up: Senate Reorganization (Appropriations and Commerce)

[Apologies once again for the lag in posts. I’ve been in babyland.] The Senate has finally begun to get its act together and organize some key committees, announcing yesterday the chairs and ranking members of the 10 Commerce Committee subcommittees and last week announcing a reorganization of the Appropriations Committee to fall more in line […]

New Defense R&D Blog Worth Checking Out

The Coalition for National Security Research has begun a blog to note and comment on the latest news in Defense R&D. CNSR is “a broadly-based coalition united by a commitment to a stronger defense science and technology base. Participants include scientific, engineering, mathematical and behavioral societies, academic institutions, and industrial associations.” And CRA. Anyway, it’s […]

Turning My Bad HTML into a Teachable Moment

Jim Horning uses the frustration he and I faced yesterday trying to figure out why he was having trouble with a link in Wednesday’s post on R&D funding to make some observations about the risks of lenient parsing. He’s got the whole story there. His interesting blog is Nothing is as simple as we hope […]

RSS Feeds – A Primer

From time to time I get questions about the Syndicate this Site (XML), Atom (XML) and Sub Bloglines links on the left side of this page. All represent various ways of accessing this site via an “RSS” feed. What’s an RSS feed? CRA Board Member Tim Finin at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County put […]

Interesting Online E-Voting Discussion is running an interesting online discussion of e-voting featuring a few of the luminaries in the field, including Avi Rubin and David Dill. I even saw an appearance by Jim Horning, former member of CRA’s board. Worth a view. [Via Slashdot.]

Amusing Diversion: E-voting

Dave Barry on electronic voting: Low-carb leader will get my vote. Here’s a bit: So this year many states are switching to electronic voting machines, which use computer technology — the same reliable, foolproof technology we use in the newspaper industry to wwr _)(%$@!@hkjhou((*7**%$ ERROR ERROR DELETING EVERYTHING FROM DAWN OF TIME Whoops! It turns […]