Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Misc.

Latest CRA-Bulletin is Out!

The latest issue of the CRA-Bulletin has been e-mailed to subscribers. You can find a web version here. CRA-Bulletin is a free, occasional electronic bulletin to inform you about events we think are of interest to the computing community. You can find instructions on how to subscribe at the bottom of this page.

Software Bug Contributed to Blackout of 2003

Demonstrating the critical role software plays in the nation’s critical infrastructure, a software bug in a widely-used energy-management system appears to have suppressed an alarm that should have alerted one of the first utilities involved in the blackout early enough for them to have averted its spread. Security Focus has the story.

IT and Productivity

“Software, Growth, and the Future of the U.S. Economy” A symposium in the series “Measuring and Sustaining the New Economy,” February 20, 2004, The National Academies, Keck Center, 500 5th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC. Industry representatives from leading companies such as Google, Apple, General Motors, and Jet Blue, and academic experts will participate […]

Visa requirements for students

New procedures on Social Security Numbers for foreign students and visitors announced by Department of Homeland Security: In late December, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a memo and fact sheet advising colleges and universities how to ensure foreign students and visitors obtain a Social Security number. As the AAU summarizes, the policy requires […]