Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Misc.

More Rumors on Rita Colwell’s Departure from NSF

Science News has more detail on the rumors surrounding Rita Colwell’s imminent departure as director of NSF. Maybe most interestingly, they suggest Arden Bement, currently head of NIST, would take over NSF as interim director. Here’s a bit of the scoop: Rumors were circulating in Washington, D.C., last week that Colwell planned to announce her […]

Foreign Colleagues

I believe we should devote some thought to the impact the draconian (and often useless and xenophobic) restrictions on foreign visitors and students is going to have on our profession. I keep seeing articles such as this one and it concerns me that nationally we may be hurting our research enterprise and alienating our friends. […]

New NSB Report on S&E Workforce

The National Science Board has released a new report on the science and engineering workforce. From their release: This important NSB policy report offers the Board’s findings and recommendations on long-term strategies for the workforce in five areas: undergraduate and advanced education in science and engineering; the knowledge base on the science and engineering workforce; […]

Copyright vs. CopyLeft

The New York Times has an interesting article laying out some of the issues surrounding intellectual property and the public domain. Many quotes from the “CopyLeft” crowd (Lessig, Zittrain, and Fisher) and a few from the other side of the argument as well. “The Tyranny of Copyright”

Northwest Provides Customer Data to NASA

The Washington Post reports that Northwest Airlines provided millions of customer records to NASA shortly after 9/11 to “assist the government’s search for technology to improve aviation security.” The record transfer was revealed in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from EPIC relating to the government’s CAPPS II development efforts. A similar revelation […]

President Announces Missions to Moon and Mars

President Bush wants Americans back to the moon “no later than 2020” and to Mars a decade later, and he’s going to request an increase of $1 billion (or 5 percent) to the NASA budget to make it so. Here’s the official release from the White House. The total in funding will be $12 billion […]