Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Examiner Editorial on Math and Science Incentive Act

The DC Examiner ran an editorial today using the Math and Science Incentive Act of 2005 (CRA blog entry here) to focus on the lack of emphasis that primary, secondary, and university education place on teaching science and math. The editorial praises the Act, introduced by Frank Wolf (R-VA) in the House and John Warner […]

Industry Group Calls for Increased Cyber Security R&D; Congress Hears Message from Former PITAC Members

In a report released this week, the Cyber Security Industry Alliance — a group consisting of information security software, hardware and service vendors — called on Congress and the Administration to ramp up support for fundamental research in cyber security R&D and increase the prominence of cyber security at key federal agencies. CSIA’s report, Federal […]

Gates on CS/CE Enrollment and Funding has coverage of the opening of Microsoft Research’s sixth annual Faculty Summit, a “a unique opportunity for faculty members and Microsoft researchers, architects, and executives to collectively discuss a vision for the future of computing.” Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates had some interesting comments to open the event (along with ACM past-President Maria […]

Science Funding’s Unintended Consequences

There’s an interesting article by Sallie Baliunas at Tech Central Station today on research funding. The piece notes a recent Nature article that suggests scientific misbehavior might be linked to “perceptions of inequities in the [science] resource distribution process” and connects that with tendency among federal funding agencies to shift emphasis from basic to applied […]

High End Computing Remains a “Priority” in Administration’s FY 07 Plans

[Back from vacation. Blogging resumes…] The Administration has released its annual guidance (pdf) to Federal agencies instructing them on the areas of research and development they should make priorities in their forthcoming FY 2007 budget requests to the White House. The memo, a joint production of the White House Office of Science and Technology and […]

Commerce seeks to change “deemed export” regs

The Bureau of Industry and Security at the US Department of Commerce has promulgated an advance notice of proposed rulemaking that seeks to change American policy regarding deemed exports. A deemed export occurs when a foreign national “uses” technology subject to export restrictions while in the United States. The proposed rule would make a number […]

Grokster Loses Unanimously

The Grokster decision is out. USACM has been following the case (and joined an amicus brief (pdf) on the case themselves) and is one of a whole bunch of sites with info on the impact of today’s ruling against Grokster (and StreamCast) on technology and innovation. My non-lawyerly, first reading of the ruling (pdf) is […]

FCW Covers PITAC’s Expiration

Aliya Sternstein of Federal Computer Week has a piece today on the demise of the latest iteration of PITAC. It’s a good summary of the situation, which we’ve covered in this space previously. Plus, it’s got a good quote from Dan Reed, the incoming Chair of CRA: “People are a little demoralized about the fact […]

PITAC Issues Computational Science Report

The last report of the most recent incarnation of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee — now expired — has been released. Computational Science: Ensuring America’s Competitiveness is the committee’s in-depth look at the state of the federal R&D effort in computational science — an effort, the committee found, that is hobbled by “inadequate and […]