Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: R&D in the Press

San Diego Union Tribune: On Supercomputing

The San Diego Union Tribune has a nice piece today on supercomputing, with a particular focus on the San Diego Supercomputer Center. Here’s a snippet: Jean-Bernard Minster wants to know how a magnitude-7.7 earthquake would affect Southern California. J. Andrew McCammon wants to find a cure for AIDS. Michael Norman wants to learn how the […]

CNET: “Research Money Crunch in the U.S.”

Marguerite Reardon writes in CNET what’s becoming a very familiar refrain: An outspoken group of information and communications technology innovators is worried that the United States is falling behind the rest of the world in technological innovation because fewer dollars are being allocated to long-term research. The piece does a good job of laying […]

Two News Pieces: PCAST and Cyber Security

A quick pointer to two interesting not-directly-related pieces running today. First is Aliya Sternstein’s article in Federal Computer Week that fleshes out the PITAC to PCAST switch we noted back on September 30th. She quotes CRA Chair Dan Reed and ITAA president Harris Miller: Former PITAC member Dan Reed, vice chancellor of IT and chief […]

Zuckerman in US News: Investing in Tomorrow

Mort Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of US News and World Report uses his latest column to berate the Administration for cutting the federal investment in scientific research: The American century, as the 20th century was known, was built on scientific progress. American corporations were the first to develop major in-house research labs and the first to work […]

Katrina and Computing

Federal Computer Week’s Aliya Sternstein has an interesting piece in this week’s issue on the role of computing technology in helping predict and mitigate the cost of Hurricane Katrina. Scientists are using a range of technologies to better predict the impact hurricanes can have on the economy and environment to minimize future damage and save […]

NSF’s New Networking Initiative in the News

Last Thursday, NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering directorate (CISE) officially unveiled their Global Environment for Networking Investigations (GENI) initiative, a program designed to “advance significantly the capabilities provided by networking and distributed systems.” As NSF points out in their fact sheet covering the program: The GENI Research Program will build on many years […]