Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Research

Senate Passes DOE Supercomputing Bill

As expected, the Senate yesterday passed HR 4516, the High End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004, which would authorize the creation of a “leadership class” supercomputer at DOE and a “High-end Software Development Center.” The bill is expected to be re-passed in the House during a lame-duck session and signed by the President. The bill […]

Senate Poised to Enable Terror Data Mining

Wired reports that the Senate could enable, as part of it’s National Intelligence Reform Act, work on a system “that would let government counter-terrorist investigators instantly query a massive system of interconnected commercial and government databases that hold billions of records on Americans.” The proposed network is based on the Markle Foundation Task Force’s December […]

US Back on Top in Supercomputing

According to the Washington Post, IBM will announce today that its Blue Gene/L supercomputer has moved ahead of Japan’s Earth Simulator in speed, posting a working speed of 36.01 teraflops (versus the Earth Simulator’s 35.86 teraflops). As we’ve covered a few times here on the blog, the spectre of having the Japanese in the top […]

DARPA’s Strong Angel II

The San Jose Mercury News’ Dan Gillmor has an interesting piece on DARPA’s “Strong Angel II“, a program aimed at developing techniques for “critical information management within austere environments.” From the article: KONA, HAWAII – They were soldiers and sailors, doctors and relief workers, technologists and managers. Over the course of a few days, they […]

Administration says more Cyber Security Research and IT Security Personnel Needed

Thanks to Jeff Grove of ACM for pointing out this story (subscription req’d), by William New, in National Journal’s Tech Daily (sub req’d) covering remarks by Department of Homeland Security Chief Security Officer Jack Johnson, DHS Chief Information Officer Steve Cooper, and FAA Deputy Director Thomas O’Keefe suggesting the great need for information security professionals […]

NSF Funding Outlook Grim But Cyberinfrastructure’s a Priority, says NSF Director

On Tuesday, National Science Foundation Director Arden Bement met with the Coalition for National Science Funding (of which CRA is a member) and warned the science community CNSF represents to lower expectations of increased funding for the agency in the near-term, saying the expectation of budget-doubling, as authorized by Congress and the President in 2002, […]

Another Data Point in the P2P Debate

Researchers from Harvard Business School and the University of North Carolina released a study today that suggests that illegal downloading of songs via P2P networks is not having a significant effect on legitimate music sales and in many cases may help album sales. The Washington Post has the story. A few choice paragraphs: Songs that […]

The Spread of the Witty Worm

The folks at UCSD Computer Science and Engineering and the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) put their “Network Telescope” to good work in analyzing the spread of the Witty Worm. From their analysis: Witty was the first widely propagated Internet worm to carry a destructive payload. Witty was started in an organized manner […]

DARPA takes aim at IT sacred cows

Government Computing News has an interesting, short article on DARPA’s focus on new computer architectures and networking protocols, discussed this week at the DARPATech conference in Anaheim. Flaws in the basic building blocks of networking and computer science are hampering reliability, limiting flexibility and creating security vulnerabilities, program managers said this week at the Defense […]