NSF Launches Pilot of NAIRR Program to “Democratize the Future of AI”
NSF announced the the launch of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot program to “democratize the future of AI.”
NSF announced the the launch of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot program to “democratize the future of AI.”
Analysis of the recent report released by the House Select China Committee on resetting “economic and technological competition” with the United States.
CRA Statement Endorsing the National Quantum Initiative Reauthorization Act (H.R. 6213).
The Biden administration released an executive order on artificial intelligence on October 30th, setting new privacy, anti-discrimination, and safety standards for AI throughout the executive branch, while also seeking to accelerate innovation and bolster the AI workforce.
On Thursday October 26th, the Task Force on American Innovation (TFAI), an alliance of American high tech companies and businesses, research university associations, and scientific societies, held two events in Congress to “deconstruct” artificial intelligence and demonstrate how the decades long federal research investment which has powered in the latest advances in the AI fields. The briefings were titled, “Federally Funded Research and the Advent of Artificial Intelligence: A TFAI Deconstructing Event.”
A review of several notable efforts around AI that are happening in Congress and how they could possibly impact the computing and IT research communities.
An update on the likely continuing resolution for Fiscal Year 2024 making its way through Congress in September.
The Biden Administration released a memo to the Federal research agencies outlining their research and development priorities for the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2024 Senate Appropriations Committee’s Defense Legislation.
Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2024 Senate Appropriations Committee’s Energy & Water legislation, which covers Department of Energy programs.