Computing Research Policy Blog

Foreign Colleagues

I believe we should devote some thought to the impact the draconian (and often useless and xenophobic) restrictions on foreign visitors and students is going to have on our profession. I keep seeing articles such as this one and it concerns me that nationally we may be hurting our research enterprise and alienating our friends. The Computing community is certainly not immune to this!

New NSB Report on S&E Workforce

The National Science Board has released a new report on the science and engineering workforce. From their release:

This important NSB policy report offers the Board’s findings and recommendations on long-term strategies for the workforce in five areas: undergraduate and advanced education in science and engineering; the knowledge base on the science and engineering workforce; the precollege teaching workforce for mathematics, science and technology; and US engagement in the international science and engineering workforce.

Link to the report.

Trends in DOD Basic Research Support

Elaine McCusker of the CNSR and Toby Smith of AAU passed on this interesting slide presentation detailing basic research funding at the Department of Defense by Bob Trew at NC State.
In it, Trew highlights concerns (concerns CRA shares) about “6.1” funding at DOD, primarily:

  • The 6.1 (basic research) budget at DOD continues to decline
  • 6.1 funding is being diverted to non-6.1 projects
  • the research is increasingly near-term; and
  • it’s too often a ready source of funding for “pet projects” in other areas.

Download the presentation (pdf – 779kb)

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